Born from both worlds, that's how it starts. When gods/goddesses and mortals have, how should I say it, a fun time.
One night, a very old situation happened. Four demi-goddesses where born on the same night and were proffasized to be great legends.
From now on; all chapters will be continuing from Camp Half Blood (Hazel).
Annabeth POV
I walk into my cabin I share with Adira after training to find it an utter reck. There's a hole in the wall, a shelf slatting on my book shelf and oh boy. We need a new wardrobe door... again! I look at Adira, who is sitting on her bed with an ice-pack on her hand. "And you wonder why we can't put fancy or really nice things in here." I say to her. "What happened this time? If it's because a bee stung you again, I swear Adira, I am going to flip."
"She beat me." Adira says in a huff. I mentally slap her. Really, this is why she recked our room. "How did she beat me? She's new and I've been training since I was 5."
"You can't expect to win all the time." I tell her.
"Yes I can. I do. And it until today, that streak was going good for me." I swear this 11 year old is still 5 on the inside.
"Adira. You put way too much pressure on yourself. Go to lunch with your friends, relax and stop recking our room." I tell her.
"That girl is sitting with us at lunch." Adira says.
"Well, talk to her. You two might become good friends." I tell her before leaving our room and walking to lunch. I'm going to start hiding my books from her now.
Luke's POV
I was at lunch, sitting with Annabeth, Grover, Adira, Autumn, Dosia and the new girl Hazel at our usual table. It was a very awkward silence, mostly between Hazel and Adira but I decided to break it. "So, Hazel. Where are you from?"
"Hell." She answers, jokingly I assume.
I laugh at that and say, "Funny joke." She smiles slightly. "But seriously, where are you from?"
"Here and there. My mum was one to believe in witch-craft and well, we travelled around most of my life. Well, until she got herself a boyfriend and we moved into his place." She says.
"By the sound of your tone, you don't like him." I say.
"He smells like a sewer, sleeps until noon and can't hold a job for one day. Not only that but he's a sexist jerk." Hazel explains.
Autumn looks at Hazel. "What a dick-tionary." Hazel gives us a confused look.
"Autumn doesn't like to swear." Dosia explains, causing Hazel to nod her head slightly. "Hey Hazel, do you have any siblings?"
"Um... as far as I know of. Not biologically. But I have two step-brother named James and Kenny and a step-sister named Holly." She tells us.
"How old are they?" Autumn asks.
"James and Kenny are 14 and Holly is 11." Hazel explains.
"So, she's your age?" Adira says. "Ain't that interesting." What is she doing?
"How come?" Hazel asks.
"Well, I mean. Think about it. You're here, and your mums at home taking care of her happy little family. I mean, she might be trying to replace you with this Holly girl." Adira says. Why the fuck is she acting like this.
"Why would she try to replace me?" Hazel asks.
Adira shrugs before speaking again. "Maybe she wanted a normal kid, or you were just her screw up."
"Adira!" I yell at her.
"What? I would to if I had a joke of a daughter like her." Adira says. Hazel waist no time on getting up and running away from the table. I get up and follow after her.
3rd Person POV
After Luke left the table, everyone looks at Adira. "That was messed up." Dosia practically shouts at Adira. "She done nothing to you."
"She done something." Adira mutters.
"Oh what? So, she steals your champion title so you become Clarisse." Dosia snaps.
"Hey! That's taking it a little far, don't ya think." Adira says.
"No I don't think. Like you apparently when it comes to other peoples feelings." Dosia says, slamming her hands down on the table before getting up and walking away to her cabin.
Meanwhile with Luke; he follows Hazel's footprints until he becomes in front of a cabin.
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He walks in and looks around, amazement on his face. "Hazel. It's me, Luke." He says. He then enters her room to find her crying on her couch in front of the fire. "Hazel?" He asks concerned.
Hazel stands up and turns her body towards him but keeps her head down. "Luke, you shouldn't be here." She tells him.
"This is Hades cabin. Meaning..." Luke looks at Hazel and it clicks. "Your the daughter of Hades." Luke says walking up to her. He puts a hand on her shoulder but she flinches.
"Don't. I...I don't want to hurt you." Hazel says, scared.
Luke's left hand rest on her shoulder while he uses his right hand to lift up her chin. When he does, he sees her eyes changed from her bright blue to a fiery colour.
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"I don't have complete control over my powers and I don't want anyone to get hurt." Hazel explains.
"It's ok. I'll help you through this. Ok. I promise." Luke says.
The two friends wrap each others arms around the other for a tight hug, but someone was watching. Hermes, Luke's dad. Who wasn't so thrilled about this news.