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2 days later

Hazel wakes up in the middle of the night, sweat on her forehead and breathing heavily. "What the hell is nightmare about?" She asks herself, then takes a shower and gets dressed.

Hazel's outfit

Hazel leaves her cabin and walks around camp for a while before sitting on a log next to a river

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Hazel leaves her cabin and walks around camp for a while before sitting on a log next to a river. Hazel watches as the river's water is in a repetition flow, distracting her from the world as Luke, who was also up and walking around the camp early in the morning, walks up to her and sits down. "Hey Hazel."

Hazel jumps slightly and turns to look at Luke, smiling. "Hey. What are you doing up?" She asks.

"Sometimes I wake up early, get dressed and take a stroll around the camp." Luke tells her. "What are you doing up?"

"Just...clearing my head." Hazel says.

"Because...?" Luke asks.

"It's nothing." Hazel says.

"You can tell me. I won't judge." Luke tells me.

Hazel sighs as her smile drops and rambles, "Well, I've been having the same nightmare for three nights in a row and in every single one something bad happens at the end. But it's always the same thing over and over again and I don't understand if it's just a plain normal dream or if it's a sign that something bad is going to happen. Am I being crazy about this because I'm struggling with sleeping now and I wake up in panic and sweat and-" She starts heavy breathing as her eyes change from her blue to a fiery colour.

"Hazel hey, hey deep breath." Luke tells her, taking her hands. "Come on, in." Luke breaths in with Hazel. "And out." Luke and Hazel breaths out. They do this a thew times until Hazel calms down and her eyes turn back to her normal blue.

"Thank you." Hazel says.

"It's ok." Luke says, hugging Hazel as she rests her head on his shoulder. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"I didn't know how you were going to react." Hazel responds.

"I found out about who your father was and that you have powers and I took that very well, didn't I?" Luke answers with a question.

"Yes." Hazel responds.

"Exactly." Luke then hugs her tightly as Hazel moves closer, her head still on his shoulder. "I promised you that I'll help you learn how to control your powers. I intend to keep that promise." He mumbles softly to her as they watch the river flow.

Hours pass and the two didn't move, unaware of the time that has move. Autumn then spots the two and walks over to them. "Where have you two been? Me, Adira, Dosia, Annabeth and Grover have been looking for you." She tells them.

Autumn's Outift

Autumn's Outift

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