chapter one

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"Bj! Did you find out which anime we have to go to?" Liliana asked in wonder. Kevin and Anyiah nodded in agreement. (I accedentaly forgot a character Kevin) "yes, I believe you all will have to go in the work of diabolik livers." Bj said in a monotone as usual. "WHAT?!?!" Anyiah and Liliana screamed in unision. "I don't even know what anime is!" Kevin shouted. "YOU JUST DON'T APPRECIATE IT! YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE CAME YOU-" Anyiah cut Liliana off. "Please continue," she said to bj as Kevin and Liliana shot glares at each other. "Yes, all you have to do is say the characters of the show and the name of the show after each name." Bj said. "I'll write it down for the stupid boy!" Liliana giggled. "Ayato, diabolik lovers, shuu, diabolik lovers, kanato, diabolik lovers, suabru, diabolik lovers, Reiji, diabolik lovers, laito diabolik lovers." They all said altogether. Everything became dizzy and they passed out.

The world came to a stop, and the four of them came to the world of diabolik lovers. They stood next to the gate, looking at the beautiful mansion. "Any-any... I don't want them to suck the blood out of me!" Liliana frowned. "If they do, break their fangs before they can stick it your neck!" Anyiah whiepred as they opened the gate and walked to the doors. They knocked on the door. No answer. Liliana growled. "People always be-" the door creaked open. "I'm scared!" Kevin yelled hiding behind the strongest, Anyiah while Liliana walked inside. "Bruh! What of we see them behind me?! That'll be so cool but scary!" Liliana giggled. Everyone looked in fear. Liliana narrowed her eyes. "They re behind me, right?" Everyone nodded. "Fudge nuggets..." She turned around and saw all vampires looking down at her. She squeaked. "ANY-ANY!" Liliana yelled cowering behind Anyiah. Anyiah glared at them.

"Who are you?" Reiji asked. "Why should we tell a blood sucking b*tch like you?" Anyiah spoke up. "Because yours truly wants to know," ayato smirked. "Yours truly? Who is that?" Kevin asked. Liliana facepalmed. "Your truly is in front of you." Ayato said. "Oh, you?" Kevin asked. "No dip sherlock!"

"I'll ask one more time, who are you?" He growled. Anyiah growled back. "Oh, why don't you be more nice and we'll tell you!" Liliana giggled. She heard kanato giggle a little too. He frowned and narrowed his eyes and scoffed. "Tell me your name of I'll make you go dry." "THAT'S NOT NICE! SAY IT NICE!! OR ELSE YOU WILL GET NO ANSWER!!" Liliana screamed, causing everyone to flinch by surprise. "Please," she said. "Fine," "may you please tell us who you are and what you want?" Reiji gritted his teeth. "Certainly. I am Anyiah, this is Liliana, Kevin, and bj." Anyiah explained. "We are from another world, and a different timeline, we are here to collect a crystal price that is around her somewhere. If we do not get it back, we will die." Anyiah said. Kevin, Liliana and bj nodded.

"Well, we will let you stay if you allow us your blood." Reiji said. Anyiah thought and hard. So did Liliana, Kevin, and bj. "We only want the girls blood."

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