chapter eleven

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Normal POV

Anyiah and Liliana woke up. "I feel horrible," Liliana spat. "Why?" Anyiah asked and Liliana shot her glare and Anyiah remembered. Anyiah sighed and nodded. Liliana went into the bathroom and put on a white shirt with black buttons with a cute bear with glasses on it and a bluish green scarf with black leggings and black high knee boots. She curled her hair and put on a blue headban with a big bow on the side. She put glittery lip gloss on and she walked out of the bathroom spraying vanilla perfume on. "Now I look nice enough to kiss!" She squealed. Anyiah smiled and walked into the bathroom. She put on a black shirt with music signs as the design and blue skinny jeans with blue vans and had a red rose clip on her head and she put on red lipstick. She walked out and sprayed frosted wonderland perfume on. Liliana clapped and smiled. "Okay... Time for the kiss..." Anyiah said.

Liliana nodded and blushed. "Yo, open up! It takes you forever to get ready! Its just a one time thing! Or more if you want!" Kevin shouted banging on the door. Liliana sighed and opened the door and when she did, Kevin came running in the room like a mad man falling on the ground. Liliana giggled and I rolled my eyes smiling. "D*mn that hurt!" Kevin groaned. Bj came in helping up Kevin. We remained silent. "Do we have to?" Anyiah groaned. "Do you want to live?" Kevin asked. Liliana and Anyiah sighed. "Yes" they got up and went to the door. Lily pushed Anyiah to Shu and Shu bumped into him. "S-sorry!" Anyiah appoligized.

"Its okay." He sighed and began to walk up the stairs when Anyiah stopped him. "W-wait!" Anyiah grabbed his wrist making him fall onto her, their lips connecting.

With Liliana

Liliana walked away from the two, giggling when she tripped on her two feet and rolled down a hill. "WHAT THE H*LL?! I WAS ON A HILL?!?!" Liliana screamed while she rolled. She than stopped and she was panting looking at the stary night. Her chest moving up and down slowly. She sighed and tried to get up but she fell back down. "Oh, great. My ankle is swollen." Liliana sighed looking back up at the sky. "And I might not be able to save my friends because of my foolishness!'' Liliana screamed pounding her hands on the ground. "Whatcha doin'?" A voice asked. She turned her head to the side and saw kanato. "K-kanto-kun?! Please help me..." Liliana whispered. "M-my leg i-ks swollen, it hurts." Kanato usually looks happy to see someone hurt but this time he looks worried. "Are you okay?" He asked bending down over her. "No..." She muttered before blacking out

With Anyiah

Shu's lips collided with anyiah's when he fell. Their eyes widened but they both melted into the kiss. The kiss was full of heat and love. Anyiah had a bad feeling that something wrong happened... But she shrugged it off. Shu deepened the kiss, making Anyiah moan. "Sh-shu... I think... SOMETHING BAD HAPPENED TO LILY!!" Anyiah shot up running away leaving dust behind her and shu chuckling. Anyiah ran to the garden and found kanato carrying Liliana. "She hurt her ankle and fainted... I don't know the cause..." He whispered. "SMASH YO LIPS ONTO HER OR SHE'LL DIE!!" i screamed. "Why?" He asked. "SMASH YO LIPS ONTO HER LIPS!" Anyiah yelled.

"Like sleeping beauty or something?" He asked and Anyiah nodded. Kanato sighed and gently put her on the ground. "Please... Leave." Kanato said. Anyiah did as she was told. Kanato leaned down and pecked her lips carefully, laying teddy on the ground next to him. Liliana's eyes shouted open to see kanato's face on her face. She grabbed his neck and pulled him deeper, making kanato shocked and confused. Theynpulled away and Liliana blushed and kanato smirked. Than suddenly, the ground began to shake. "Fudge nuggets!" Liliana shouted holding onto kanato for balance. "Its happening! Lord orjie is... Coming to fight!" Kevin shouted.

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