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                                                    ~YAKU; MISFORTUNATE.~

Chapter 7

We had been joking, and walking by school grounds, when I heard...

"Kanashii-chan!!" I heard a girl's voice call out from behind me. I turned around, wondering who it was, since the voice sounded familiar. I opened my eyes, to see a girl with mid-length

pink-ish hair, running to me, and waving at me, with a bright smile on her face.

My heart sunk. "Kokoro..." I muttered, and shook in fear. I stared at her with absolute shock when I saw her. She's alive... I still couldn't get over that fact. She was standing here, right in front of me... smiling...

"Kanashii-chan, what's wrong? You look pale." Kokoro said, as a concerned look washed over her face. She reached to to my face, and I felt the warmth of her gentle hand... I felt tears swell in my eyes.

"I'm sorry..." I uttered, as I hugged her tightly. "I'm so, so sorry..." I sobbed. She is really here, in my arms... Kokoro looked shocked. "Sorry for what? What's wrong?"

That's right, it hasn't happened yet... I need to get my stuff together. I took I deep breath, and released my grasp on her. "It's nothing, I'm just happy to see you." I smiled at her, and held her shoulders. She blushed a little and stared at me wide-eyed. "Wow, I had no idea you'd be so excited to see me, I'm flattered." She replied, as I prideful grin crept up her cheeks.

Goro stared at me, as his eyes narrowed. "Hey, I put bro's before hoes, you can't get mad at me now." I said, barely holding in my laughter. "Fine, fine." He waved his hand. "We'll leave you guys be. See you tomorrow Kana-chin!" Arata waved, and the others joined in. "Yeah. See you later!" I grinned and waved back.

I turned back to Kokoro, and she crossed her arms, and glared at me. I scratched the back of my neck, and but my other hand up nervously.

"What's all this about 'Bro's before-" I interrupted her and covered her mouth. "Nothing! It's nothing. Goro's just being silly." I said reassuringly, trying not to make her mad.

"Hmm, yeah, ok." She replied sarcastically. "Hey, want to get some ice cream or something?" I offered. Yes! nice one, me! If I get her to say yes to sweets, I can avoid her wrath. I smiled timidly to myself. She eyed me suspiciously at first, but then she broke. "Ok!" She clapped her hands and smiled sweetly at me. "My treat." I smiled in reply.


"Ahhhh so good..." Kokoro said in pure delight. She's so cute... "thank you Kanashii-chan." She said as she scooted closer to me, and laid her head on my shoulder. SO CUTE...! I was about to have a stroke, from how adorable she was. "You're welcome." I laid my head on hers.

"You look pretty Kanashii-Chan." She said, out of the blue. I blushed. "Where is this coming from?" I raised my head. "No where. I just think you look pretty. Your blue eyes are beautiful." My face was glowing red, and I stayed silent for a moment.

"Thank you." I muttered, and turned my head. Kokoro giggled. "The only reason why girls in our school keep hurting you, is because their jealous of you." She declared.

"That's pushing it a little." I said humbly. "No it isn't, I'm serious!" She said, as a serious look came over her face. I shrugged, and she smiled sweetly at me.

"I heard something happened to Mina in class today, a bunch of people were talking about it. Do you know anything about it?" Mina asked, as she turned to face me. I couldn't hide my laughter.

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