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                              ~ONE TALL MAN, AND A SHORT LEADER~

Chapter 12

I woke up from my alarm blaring, and with a headache, and I rubbed my eyes frequently. I riffled for my phone, took it out, and squinted to see the time. 6:30... I looked to see the date. March 2nd 2010. "Oh, okay." I just sat there.

"ITS MONDAY!" I suddenly realized, and flipped out of bed despite my grogginess. Crap I have school! I slammed the off button to my alarm. I rushed to the bathroom, shoved a toothbrush in my mouth, all while washing my face. I gurgled water, spit, and grabbed a towel for my face. Then I snatched the hair brush, and brushed my shaggy, short and fluffy hair. Granted, brushing my hair didn't do much, it was in many layers and so on, but brushing it made it fluffier. And I liked touching my soft hair. I ran to my bedroom, and threw my clothes off. I grabbed the bandage and wrapped it around my chest tightly, while hiking up my pants. I threw my white shirt on, and almost had a breakdown trying to button up my shirt.

I wiped my tears off, grabbed my jacket and bag, and ran out the door. I booked it for school. By the time I got to school, students were all entering their classes. I ran up the steps, occasionally tripping, but I slammed the door open just as the bell rang for classes to start. The teacher nodded, and I plopped down in my seat.

I had a math test. Which would have absolutely sucked if it weren't for the fact I had went to collage in the last timeline, and my collage teacher forcing me to study and answer a whole book involving ridiculously hard math questions. Akio sat right behind me, so we would sneak little scrap notes with answers to each other a few times. We would give each other the question, and then we would answer with either the answer or say we didn't know. Thankfully the teacher didn't notice us, despite us passing several notes. After we finished our test, Akio started a rant on how I suddenly stopped sucking at school, and Arata gawking at our test scores.


We all entered history class, and waited for class to start. In the meantime, we just talked. Goro was acting like his usual crackhead self, while starting a Rock Paper Scissors war with Isamu, on who would marry Arata's sister. Arata was arguing with both of them, telling them that nobody was going to get his sister. Meanwhile, I was just doing surprisingly good doodles, with Akio looking contently over my shoulder. We both listened to the others, and chipped in saying an occasional joke, or roasting them with an insult.

I was strangely content, as I drew on my notebook paper. I had the side of my face resting in my left hand, while I doodled little manga panels of Isamu, Arata, Goro, Akio and I joking just like we were now. Before I knew it, I was completely absorbed in my drawing. I had filled out 22 different pages with doodles, and I wasted a lot of useful notebook paper. I didn't realize it yet, but everyone had stopped joking and started contently watching me draw. I only realized it when I suddenly had no inspiration, which came from everyone's continual conversation.

"You're good..." Isamu said in awe, as he continued gazing at the drawings. "Uh... it's nothing." I said, and blushed a little. I scratched the back of my neck nervously, and looked down humbly as they continued giving compliments. The teacher came in, and called everyone to their seats. We all sat down in our usual seats, while the pain commenced.

We were in the middle of history class, when suddenly we all heard commotion outside in the halls. Even the teacher stopped, and checked outside the halls. She didn't stick her head out very far, so of course she couldn't see anything. But not even seconds after, we heard commotion outside again. This time, it was much more clear. The class started muttering amongst themselves in confusion. The sounds only grew louder, as we realized they were sounds of struggle, and pain, including several whocks and thwacks. My classmates were growing even more confused, and even some of the girls, such as oversensitive brats, started crying. In all honesty, I wasn't really scared. It's happened before where student delinquents were fighting in the halls. Admittedly, it did sound like an abnormal amount of people were fighting, but I just decided to draw while class was held up.

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