Chapter 4 - Lies (part 4)

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                                                             (In Mr. Damocles' office.)

Marinette: But, sir, it wasn't me!

Lila: I don't know why you doesn't like me! I've really tried to be her friend, but she keeps calling me a liar.

Marinette: Those are total lies!!

Mr. Damocles: Go on, Lila.

Lila: She even took a necklace I got from my grandmother -- a fox pendant!

Mr. Damocles: Stole?

Marinette: Huh? That's not true!

Tom: My daughter is not a thief!

Sabine: You're accusing her without any proof!

Lila: Oh, I have proof.

                                                     (In Locker room.)

Mr. Damocles: Open your locker, please.

Lila: My pendant!

Marinette: She's making up this whole thing! It wasn't me! I didn't do anything, I swear!

Adrien: Mr. Damocles, I don't think--

Mr. Damocles: Marinette, you are expelled from this school!                                            

Marinette's POV:

Why is this happening to me???? what did I do wrong??? And Lila is clearly lying!! But Why is everyone is believing her??

                            (In Mr. Damocles' office)

Lila: .........And because of this rare disease, sometimes I can't control things I say. I'm really sorry, Marinette.

Mr. Damocles: Thank you for your confession, Lila. Marinette, you're allowed to come back.

                                                        (Outside Mr. Damocles' office)

Marinette: Things aren't always what they seem to be at first sight. So look, I don't know why you started all this, or why all of a sudden you lied to fix this mess, but I'm glad to see you're capable of coming back to your senses. Sometimes.

Lila: As you said, things aren't always what they seem to be at first sight.

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