Chapter 5 - Confession

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Alya:  (to Marinette ) I'm glad Marinette that every thing has worked out for you. Ok It's about time you tell Adrien that you like him (Adrien).

Marinette: But - 

Alya:  We have a plan for you . It's a simple plan . All you gotta do is go to Adrien and tell him that you -

Marinette: NOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T . WHEN I GO IN FRONT OF HIM I KEEP STUTTERING ... Then how can I say that !!??

Alya: ~ sighs ~  But now we all have your back . Nothing bad is going happen . You can't be like this always . You can do it . Girl , You gotta give that a try !

Marinette: But , But -

Alya: I'm not listening . You gotta do this today !!!! IT'S NOW OR NEVER !!!

                                   [ Marinettte eventually give up . She goes up to Adrien ]

Marinette : H-Hi , Adrien .

Adrien : Oh Hi , Marinette . Do you wanna say something ?

Marinette : A-Actually yes . I do wanna say something ...

Adrien : Well, Then what is it ?

Marinette : Adrien, I like you !!

Adrien : .........

Marinette : Why aren't you saying something ?

[* inside of Marinette's mind :  oh god, Why isn't he saying something.. What if I made him uncomfortable dang I shouldn't have said it in the first place !! ]  

Adrien: I'm sorry .

Marinette:  I was just kidding earlier . Don't take it to mind and everything is okay .!

[* Inside marinette's mind : oh damn my eyes are tearing up . I gotta leave now or else he'll see me crying .  ]

        [ After saying that to adrien marinette quickly leaves the place ..]

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