Chapter 9 - Bunnyx

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                                                           (A portal opens and Bunnyx steps out.)
Ladybug : Bunnyx?

Bunnyx : Minibug, something happened today that caused a major disaster in the future . I'm not sure what it was or when it happened exactly . Nothing unusual to report ?

Ladybug : Uh ...

Bunnyx : Think, Minibug, think !

Ladybug : Uh ... no ?

Bunnyx : Ugh ! In my burrow , now !

                                                                       { inside of Burrow }

Ladybug : Wow , it's a lot bigger on the inside !

( Bunnyx puts her hand on a circle. Ladybug runs to two other circles and does the same , focusing on one with a dinosaur and the other of a city . Bunnyx notices and puts a bucket on top of Ladybug's head . )

Ladybug : What's that for ?

Bunnyx : You wanna know what you're getting for your next birthday ?

Ladybug : No, of course not .

Bunnyx : Exactly . 

Ladybug : You know about all your birthday presents ? right ?

Bunnyx : I know about ... some of them . Normally, we have to avoid interfering with past or present events as much as possible , but this is really serious , Minibug . 

                                                            { pushes her in one of portal }

                                                                           Scene   Paris

Ladybug : What hell happened here ?

Bunnyx : The less you know about the future, the better . Just do your thing . Capture the Akuma  and restore order. Then, the train will be back on track .

                                                 ( Bunnyx is about to return to her burrow . )
Ladybug : You're not staying ?

Bunnyx : Let's say I gotta stand ready to jump back into time and try something else, in case you fail.  Mwah ! ( returns to her burrow ) .

{ Ladybug starts to wonder around destroyed Paris to understand what the hell happened here . She wonders and wonders to a solitary city that was once filled with people . She suddenly stops when she saw someone at a distance . It was hard to understand who that is from long distance. So Ladybug decides to slowly go near that person . She go near that person but kept her distance in order not to be seen . She nearly had a stroke as she saw that persons face . And that person was... }

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