Chapter 1

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You sat on the steps of the school as you took a couple pills of Tylenol. You were starting to get really bad headaches. You heard the doors open and looked over to see your boyfriend, Eddie. He sat down beside you and looked down at you as you stared at the stars. "You okay?" He asked. "You've been out for a while." You looked at him and nodded. "Headaches again?" He sighed.

"Yup," You placed your head on his shoulder.

"Want me to end the session early so I can take you home?" He asked. You shook your head.

"I don't want to ruin the fun." You replied.

"(Y/n), you wouldn't be," he reassured you. You shook my head again. "Wanna come back in? You don't have to play, you can sit with me if you want." He offered. You nodded and he stood, smiling softly as he helped you up. You followed him into the school again and walked into your room. Everyone looked over at you two.

"Feeling better?" Dustin asked.

"She still has a little headache so she's just gonna rest for a bit." Eddie explained for you. Dustin nodded and shot a smile, causing you to smile back. You walked over to Eddie's seat and sat on the ground in front of it. Eddie sat behind you with his legs on either side of your body. He leaned above you and gently started to play with your hair. "Now, who is ready to take on Vecna?" Eddie smirked. The boys all cheered causing you to smile. Eddie was a good Dungeon Master. He knew how to make things exciting.

You two were close, so it didn't surprise anyone when people found out you started dating. He treated you like a queen always and never failed to make you smile. He lets you room with him every now and then since your home life wasn't the nicest. He would take you out if you were sad and he knew how to help you through my panic attacks. He was just the most amazing guy. You had been friends since the 4th grade and dating since the last year of middle school. You've been through some crazy shit together and now you're seniors for the third year in a row, you tend to ditch class together a lot.

You do everything together and know things about each other that no one else knows.

When the campaign was over for the night Eddie walked you to his van. You both got in and he started driving. "Where to?" He asked you.

"He's home this week," You simply replied.

"My place it is," he tensed up. "Has CPS called?" He asked.

"Eddie, I'm 20," you sighed.

"Then why do you stay there?" He questioned.

"He'll find me regardless, plus I don't have money." You told him.

"Just live with me, you already kind of do." He told me.

"Right but I don't want to intrude, you already have two people living in that small trailer. Plus I think when we have the money, we should buy a house and start a family." You argued.

"That might take time." He looked at you. You knew he was hesitant about having a family. He wanted to be wild and free so do what he pleased. On top of that, he was scared he'd turn into his dad, so you didn't blame him for being weary of it.

"I know that. I just wanted to have the dream we talked about." You sighed.

"I know, 1 to 3 kids." He smiled at you. You smiled back and nodded. "They'll be some cool kids." He looked back at the road.

"I'll be their mother, of course they'll be cool." You joked, making him chuckle.

"I can just picture it, you and our kids just chilling in the backyard in this nice pool and I'm playing fetch with our dog and grilling burgers on our grill." He looked over at you again.

"That's the dream," You sighed happily. You looked out the window as we pulled up to Eddie's trailer. You both got out and went inside. He followed you to his room and you grabbed one of his t-shirts from his dresser and a pair of your own shorts.

"Why do you take my shirts? You have plenty." He chuckled.

"It's called comfort," you replied. He rolled his eyes and turned as you changed. When you finished you dove onto his bed and burrowed into his sheets. You heard him chuckle as you closed your eyes. You then heard the door close and felt the bed dip.

"Sit up so I can put your hair up." He told you. You whined and pulled the blanket over your face. "Come on," he snickered. He then started to tickle you and you laughed as you tried to fight him through the blanket.

"Okay! Okay!" You laughed. He stopped and you sat up. You looked at him and he held a white scrunchy.

"Turn," he told you. You turned so you were facing the mirror and you watched him pull your hair into a ponytail. You watched his fingers and the muscles in his arms flex as his eyes showed focus. His eyes met yours in the mirror. He tightened it before hugging you from behind. His head laid in the crook of your neck. You giggled and turned to him.

"Go to bed dork," you told him. He smiled and fell back, pulling you down with him, causing both of you to laugh. "You forgot the lamp," you sighed. He groaned and laid back. "I'll get it," You stood and walked over to the light. You looked over at Eddie. He was leaning on his left arm as he watched you. His pic necklace laid on his bare chest, his tattoos visible. You smiled before turning off the light. You walked over and climbed into bed once again. Eddie held you close as he pulled the blanket over you.

You sighed happily and hid your face in his chest. His skin was soft and warm and he smelled like his cologne, woods, and cigarettes. The smell was comforting as you fell asleep.

"(Y/n/n)." A voice taunted. You looked around as fear took over. You were in your bedroom. "Open the door baby." The voice called out. It was him.

"No," You whimpered. You pushed your dresser in front of the door and hid in your closet. You hugged your knees and cried as he hit the door aggressively. You held your breath as the door crashed open. The foot steps echoed loudly on the hardwood floor as he searched. You saw the shadow under the door.

"I found you baby girl." He then opened the door.

You shot up in bed and started sobbing. You jumped as you felt someone embrace me. "(Y/n)," Eddie got out of bed and turned on the lamp. You were in Eddie's room. You looked at him and around.

"Where is he?" You cried. He rushed over and held you close. You sobbed and held him as if you were to fall to your death if you were to let go.

"It was a nightmare, he's not here." He reassured you.

"It felt so real," you whimpered.

"I know," he cradled you gently. You started to hyperventilate and it was getting harder to breathe. "Hey, listen to me, you're okay." He told you. You nodded and he brushed your hair lightly as he started to lightly sing Time After Time by Cyndi Lauper. Your breathing slowly returned to normal and your sobs lessened. He looked down at you and wiped the tears that were falling down your cheeks. "You're safe with me," he deep into your eyes. You nodded and he pecked your forehead gently. "Do you wanna go back to sleep?" He asked.

"Yes, but I don't want another nightmare." You whispered. He nodded.

"I'll sing to you again, it usually helps." He told me.

"Okay," you laid back down and he got up to turn off the light. He then got back in bed and held you close. He stroked your hair gently as he sang your favorite song again.

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