Chapter 7

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You woke up to Eddie shaking you. "Get up!" He whisper yelled.

"What's going on?" You questioned.

"Someone's here." He told you. You stood and walked over to the window. You both looked out to see a car and a group of people walking over to the house and looking through the windows.

"Shit," You muttered. You looked around. "The boat." You pointed. He turned and nodded. He grabbed a glass bottle and broke it on the crate.

"Just in case," he told you. You nodded and he held up the tarp. You hopped in first and he climbed in after you, the boat swaying in the small section of water. You looked down to see a Walkman. Eddie picked it up and placed the headphones on you. He then clicked start and a Guns and Roses album started playing. He held his finger on his lips, telling you to keep quiet. You nodded and listened to November Rain which calmed you down a bit. You then saw the tarp dip down in front of you. You held your breath and watched with wide eyes as the tarp kept dipping. Someone was hitting it. You watched Eddie then leap onto who ever was there. You pulled off the headphones and poked your head out. It was Dustin, Mike and their friends. Eddie held the bottle on a guys neck. You recognized him, you were in the same English class a few years back. Steve Herrington.

"EDDIE!" Dustin yelled. "STOP!" He panicked. He then saw you.

"EDDIE!" You yelled out. You climbed out of the boat and stood with Dustin.

"Eddie, it's me, it's Dustin. This is Steve. He's not gonna hurt you or (Y/n), right Steve?" Dustin asked him.

"Right, yeah." Steve whispered.

"Steve why don't you drop the oar?" Dustin suggested. He dropped the oar and Eddie tightened his grip due to the loud noise.

"Eddie," you called out.

"He's cool. He's cool." Dustin told him.

"I'm cool, man. I'm cool." He said, fear prominent in his voice.

"What are you doing here?" Eddie asked.

"We're looking for you two." Dustin told him.

"We're here to help." Robin told us. Eddie looked at you then Dustin.

"Eddie, these are my friends. You know Robin from band." Dustin pointed to Robin who you've seen in band class. She mimicked playing an instrument. "This is my friend Max." He pointed to Max. You've run into her a few times since you both get called in to see the councilor a lot. "The one who never wants to play D&D." Dustin told him. Max waved. "Eddie, we're on your side. I swear on my mother. Right guys?" Dustin asked everyone. You walked over to Eddie and placed you hands on his hips.

"Yes, yes we swear." Max replied.

"On Dustin's mother," Robin added.

"Yeah, Dustin's... Dustin's mother." Steve nodded slightly.

"Eddie, we're okay, they're not gonna hurt us." You reassured him. He looked at you then back at Steve. He then let him go, taking your hand. You pulled him to the side and sat him down. He was so anxious and tense. You sat beside him and whispered reassuring things as you rubbed his back. Dustin walked over and knelt beside you.

"Eddie, we just want to talk." He told him. He then looked at you then back at him as he went to touch his hand. He quickly pulled away and you grabbed Eddie's wrist. "Okay," Dustin pulled his hand back. Robin and Max walked over cautiously.

"We want to know what happened. Either of you could tell us." Robin told us. Eddie sniffled and looked over at them.

"You won't believe us." He told them.

"Try us," Max replied. You wiped his tears away as you sighed.

"We took her to his trailer after our hellfire campaign." You told them as tears threatened to fall down your face. "Everything was okay but she seemed really on edge or scared of something." They all exchanged glances.

"Why was she there?" Robin asked.

"She wanted Special K and we store it there. And we were in the other room for not even 15 minutes and when we returned." You started to cry silently. "It was horrible," you whimpered.

"Her body just like, lifted up into the air and, uh." Eddie paused. "And she just, like, hung there. In the air. And her bones...uh, she," he started to whimper and you held him close, trying to comfort him. "Her bones started to snap." His tone changed. "Her eyes, man. It-It was like there was something, like inside her head, pulling." His voice broke. "We-We didn't know what to do, so we.." he paused. "We ran away." You recognized his look of guilt. "I left her there." He clenched his jaw. You rubbed his back gently once again. He scoffed. "You all think we're crazy, right?" He pinched the bridge of his nose.

"No. We don't think you're crazy." Dustin told you. You scoffed and held your face in your hands.

"Don't bullshit me, man! I know how this sounds." Eddie snapped.

"We're not bullshiting you." Max told you. You looked up.

"We believe you." Robin nodded. Eddie sighed and looked at you.

"Look, what I'm about to tell you two might be a little.." you both looked over at Dustin. "Difficult to take." Dustin started.

"Okay?" Eddie held your hand tightly.

"You know how people say Hawkins is cursed?" He looked back and forth between the two of you for a moment. You watched him questioning him and your sense of reality. "They're not.." he paused searching for the right words. "Way off." He told you. "There's another world. A world hidden beneath Hawkins. Sometimes it bleeds into ours." Dustin explained.

"Like ghosts and shit?" Eddie questioned.

"There are some things worse than ghosts." Max told you.

"These monsters from this other world," Dustin drew your attention back to him. "We thought they were gone. But they've come back before. That's why we needed to find you guys." He explained.

"If they're back again, we need to know." Max told you.

"That night, did you see anything?" Robin asked.

"Dark particles, maybe?" Max suggested. Eddie shook his head.

"It would almost look like dust, swirling dust." Dustin told us. You looked at him confused as you shook my head.

"No, man, there was nothing you could see or, uh, or touch." Eddie answered. "You know I tried to wake her man. She couldn't move. It was like she- she was in a trance or something." Eddie explained.

"Or under a spell," Dustin pointed out. You and Eddie looked up at Dustin.

"A curse." Eddie looked over at you.

"Vecna's curse," you breathed out.

"Who's Vecna?" Steve questioned.

"An undead creature of great power." Dustin replied.

"A spell caster," Eddie added.

"A dark wizard." You three stared at each other as realization kicked in.

"Holy shit," you muttered.

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