Chapter 5

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You pulled up to the trailer and parked. You then got out and walked inside. Eddie then started picking up some of the trash you guys had left behind. "Sorry for the mess." He apologized. "Uh, the maid took the week off." He joked as he cleaned. You snickered and looked at Chrissy. She looked around, she was clearly scared or anxious. You then started to get a strong headache again.

"You, um, you two live here alone?" She asked.

"With my uncle. But, uh, he works nights at the plant. Bringing home the big bucks." He replied as he looked through your containers of drugs.

"How long does it take?" She asked.

"Sorry?" Eddie looked up at her.

"The Special K. How long to kick in?" She asked. Your eyes widened and you looked at Eddie.

"Oh, uh, well, it depends if you snort it or not." He kept digging though a drawer. "Uh, if you do, then uh, yeah. It'll, uh, kick in pretty quick." He opened the container you usually stash it in. "Oh, shit," he closed it and put it away.

"You're sure you have it?" She asked.

"No, no, I got it." He told her. "Um, somewhere." He looked at you.

"I'm pretty sure it's in your room," you told him.

"Well, you wanna help me look?" He asked. You nodded and followed him into his room. "Sorry I'm late, sweetheart." He kissed then stroked his guitar gently. "You're beautiful." You smacked his arm and he quickly turned to you. "Ow," he held his arm.

"You're giving her Special K?!" You whisper yelled.

"She wanted something stronger than weed," he shrugged.

"So you give her Special K?!" You growled. "She's never had it before and you've just gonna send her on her way with it, without anyone knowing? Do you know how dangerous that is?" I asked him.

"Just help me look," he sighed.

"I have a bad feeling about this Eds." You whined.

"She'll be fine," he told you. He then started looking through his room. You started looking though his stuff, passing all his bottles of lube, dirty laundry, empty beer bottles and empty backs of cigarettes. "Gotcha." Eddie whispered. You looked over and he held up the container. You stood and followed him out of his room. "Found it." He smiled. "Peaceful bliss, just moments away." You then walked into the living room to see Chrissy just standing there, a blank expression on her face. "Chrissy?" Eddie questioned. You looked at each other. Eddie started to walk over and he waved his hand around. "Chrissy. Hello?" He waved again. "Chrissy," he jumped at her as if she was a dangerous animal. "Hey, Chrissy, wake up." He waved in front of her face again. "Hey, Hello?" Your head started to hurt worse.

"Fuck," you winced.

"What?" He looked over at you.

"My head feels like it's gonna burst." You complained.

"Can you help me out, it's starting to freak me out." He asked. You walked over, taking notice right away that her eyes were cloudy.

"Is she seizing out?" You asked.

"I don't know." He replied. "Chrissy. Hello?" He snapped his fingers. The lights then started to flicker and the buzzing of electricity grew around the trailer. You looked at Eddie and he looked at you.

"What the fuck," you muttered.

"Time to wake up. Hello? Can you hear me?" Eddie clapped and grabbed her shoulders. He started taping her shoulder frantically. "Wake up, Chrissy. Chrissy, wake up! WE DON'T LIKE THIS CHRISSY! WAKE UP!" Eddie yelled. He looked at you. "What do we do?!" You shook your head.

"I don't know!" You snapped. "Fuck my head," You heard a loud ringing sound echo in your head. You gripped your head, covering your ears and started taking deep breaths.

"Chrissy! Chrissy! Chrissy!" He started tapping her face. "CHRISSY, WAKE UP NOW! CHRISSY!" His voice was filled with fear. "Chrissy!" He said one last time. "What the-" You looked up to see her levitating in the air.

"What the fuck?!" Eddie backed up into you. He stuck his arm out to keep you behind him. He kept backing you up slowly. Her body then shot up to the ceiling.

"JESUS CHRIST!" He tripped knocking you both down. You watched in fear as her legs, arms, and jaw snap.

"Oh my god," you cried. Eddie screamed as her eyes disappeared.

"WE NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE!" He yelled. You both stood and rushed for the door. He had the van keys in hand and you jumped into the van. He started it and raced out of the trailer park and onto the road. You cried as he drove. Eddie only muttered to himself. You couldn't quite make out what he was saying but "what the fuck," was a reacquiring phrase. After a while of driving you were starting to gain your sense of reality again.

"Where are we going?" You asked. Eddie glanced at you before turning back to the road.

"Ricks." He simply replied. You nodded and sat there in silence. It was then your headache stopped.

"Eddie," you whispered. Why did you whisper? You weren't sure, it just came out that way.

"Yeah?" He replied shakily.

"You don't think we're gonna get blamed if she's found right?" You asked.

"We probably will," he clenched his jaw. "I should've said no, I should've lied and said weed was the strongest stuff I had." He started to cry softly.

"Eddie it wasn't your fault." You placed your hand on his arm. He flinched and you quickly removed it. "Please don't tell yourself that," you told him.

"You even told me it wasn't right and I should've listened to you. I put you in danger." He added.

"Eddie, stop." You whimpered. "None of this is your fault. We don't even know what happened to her, I will follow you regardless so I willingly went with you. You didn't put me in danger I did. Please, you don't need this on your head." You told him. "Okay?" You placed your hand on his arm again. He took your hand and you wiped his tears with your free hand. "We'll get though this together, we always do." You started to rub circles on the back of his hand with your thumb. You parked in the woods and walked over to the house.

"Try the shed." He pulled you over to the cold shed and hid inside. You both leaned against the wall as you sat on the cold ground. You held each other to provide warmth and comfort, not knowing what was gonna come next.

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