Chapter 2

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You woke up alone. You sat up and rubbed you face as Eddie walked in with a toothbrush in his mouth, still shirtless but with jeans on. He took his toothbrush from his mouth and looked at you. "I was just about to wake you," he said. "How'd you sleep?" He questioned as he continued to brush.

"Better the second time." You replied, your morning voice causing your voice to sound deeper. You got up and stretched as you started walking to the dresser. You grabbed whatever you could find to wear and Eddie walked out. You changed into your black ripped jeans and a cropped hellfire t-shirt. You then walked down the short hall into the bathroom. Eddie was messing with his hair and you took your toothbrush. You started brushing as a headache started.

"Are you coming to the campaign tonight?" He asked.

"Maybe," you replied as you spit into the sink. You then washed your hands and face. You looked up into the mirror and pulled your ponytail out, shaking your head around so your hair can fall naturally.

"Oh, I got you a little something," Eddie smiled as he rushed out of the bathroom. You giggled and walked into the living room. You sat on the couch as he rushed over with a tiny bag. He sat beside you and gave it to you.

"What's this for?" You smiled. "My birthday already passed."  You thought about all of the possibilities.

"I just saw it and thought you'd love it." He smiled. You nodded and looked in the bag. It was a little box.

"Eddie, if you ask me to merry you-" You joked.

"Not yet sweetheart, soon but not yet." He chuckled. You grabbed the box and set the bag on the floor. You then opened the box to see a saint Christopher necklace. You smiled and pulled it out of the box. "Do you like it, it's sterling silver and I know your mom gave you one like this when we were kids but it broke when your were drumming." He told you. You smiled and flipped it over to see the surfer on the back and below the wave was (Y/f/i).M. engraved into it.

"(Y/f/i).m, (Y/n) Munson?" You smirked.

"Maybe," he laughed. You put it on and hugged him.

"I love it, thank you." You then stood and took his car keys. "Now let's go we're already late." You snickered. He stood and grabbed his metal lunchbox and you walked out together. "Another deal today?" You asked as you both got in the van.

"Believe it or not, Chrissy." He looked at you as he started driving.

"The cheerleader?" You raised an eyebrow. He nodded. "I've never even seen her drink, let alone use drugs." You sighed. He nodded once again.

"I'm just as surprised." He looked back at the road.


You sat beside Eddie at lunch as he read an article about D&D.

"The devil has come to America." Eddie read in a deeper voice. "Dungeons and dragons," you looked over at the page. "At first regarded as a harmless game of make-believe, now has both parents and psychologists concerned. Studies have linked violent behavior to the game, saying it promotes satanic worship, ritual sacrifice, sodomy, suicide, and even..." Eddie slammed the magazine down as he stuck his tongue out. "Murder." He caused the boys to laugh. You watched Dustin and Mike walk over and sit with your group, you waved and Dustin waved back. Mike just watched Eddie.

"Society has to blame something. We're an easy target." Gareth said.

"Exactly. W- we're the freaks because we like to play a fantasy game." You noticed him put his feet on the ground. What's he gonna do now? "But," he pushed his chair back and hit the table with his hand as he hopped onto it. "But as long as your into band!" He yelled as he slowly walked across your table. You couldn't help but smile and sigh at his boldness. "Or science.." he looked over at different tables. "Or parties," he sneered, earning a few middle fingers. He turned to the table of basketball players. "Or a game where you toss BALLS INTO LAUNDRY BASKETS!" He yelled.

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