Chapter 4

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"The hooded cultists chant, 'hail Lord Vecna.'" Eddie told them. "'Hail Lord Vecna.'" He repeated. "They turn to you," he paused. "Remove their hoods." He gestured as if he were pulling a hood off. "You recognize most of them from Makbar. But there is one you do not recognize, his skin shriveled, desiccated. And something else. He is not only missing his left arm, but his left eye!" He described as he hid his left eye. Everyone shouted at once.

"Vecna's dead!" Jeff shouts.

"He was killed by Kas!" Mike yelled.

"So it was thought, my friends. So it was thought." You smiled as he stood and grabbed the Vecna figure. "But Vecna lives." He slammed the figure onto the table. Everyone exchanged glances before looking at Eddie again. "You are scared. You're tired. You are injured. Do you flee Vecna and his cultists? Or do you stand your ground and fight?" He asked. "Come on," he edged them on.

"I say we fight," Dustin replied. "To the death."

"To the death." Mike smiled.

"To the death." Erica nodded.

"TO THE DEATH!" Everyone chanted repeatedly as Eddie laughed and fell back into his seat and held you as you smiled at your friends.

They played going back and forth with many ups and downs, up until Dustin and Erica were the only ones alive.

"Time out! Time out!" You watched the group huddle together. You looked over at Eddie. He was smiling at his group but he turned to you.

"I'm sorry for being a jerk," he apologized.

"It's okay," you smiled and pecked him on the cheek before you both turned to look at the group again.

"He only has 15 hit points left. Don't be pussies." Dustin told the group.

"Pussies? Really? Cause we're not delusional?" Gareth replied.

"Delusional? How about not cowards?" Erica snapped.

"Hey," Eddie called out, causing them to turn and look at him. "If I may interject, gentlemen, Lady Applejack. Whilst I respect the passion, you'd be wise to take Gareth the Great's concern to heart. There is no shame in running. Don't try to be heroes. Not today, 'kay?" Eddie smiled sweetly at them.

"And if I may interject on his interjection," You started. "I think you should go for it, with passion comes hope, that leads me to believe you are very capable of kicking Vecna's ass." You told them.

"What's your pick?" Eddie asked.

"One sec," Dustin held up a finger and turned back into his huddle.

"They have to be pretty lucky to win this." Eddie told you. "Why would you send them to possible death?" He asked.

"Because though the survival rate is tight, they tend to always make it through it." You told him. "That is why I told them to keep going. The odds don't matter to them." You smiled.

"Screw it," you heard Dustin say. You both looked over as the group looked at you. "Let's kill the son of a bitch." He told you. You smirked at Eddie.

"The chances of success are 20-1." Jeff told Dustin as they walked over to the table.

"Never tell me the odds." Dustin smiled at you. You nodded proudly and leaned against the table. "Give me the D20." Dustin held his hand out. Eddie smiled as he picked up the die and tossed it to him. He caught it and started to shake them in his hand. He then threw them and we watched nervously. It landed on an 11. You started to fidget with your necklace.

"That's a miss!" Eddie shook his head around tauntingly.

"No!" Dustin hit the table. "Shit!" He tossed a figure off the table. You then picked up the die and tossed it to Erica. She caught it and looked at you.

"You got it," you mouthed. She nodded boldly and started to shake the die.

"Please!" Gerath pleaded.

"Come on!" Dustin shouted desperately. Erica then threw the die and you all held your breaths as you waited for the die to stop. It then stopped on 20. You all smiled brightly.

"Crit hit!" Erica cheered. You all cheered while Eddie freaked out.

"That's why we play!" He smiled, ruffling up you hair. You laughed and fixed it as he did his welcoming arms gesture to Erica as she smiled proudly.

"Erica!" You held my arms out. She rushed over and hugged you. "Nice job!" You smiled down at her.

"I was just kicking their asses like you told me," she grinned.

"As you should," you fist bumped her.

"That's a wrap for tonight guys!" Eddie smiled. We cleaned up and put everything away, still riding on the high of the crazy campaign.

"We'll see you guys tomorrow." You waved at the group. Dustin and Erica hugged you while the others waved.

"Aw, mama (Y/n)." Eddie smiled as you walked down the hall, hand in hand.

"I like the sound of that," you smiled back. "Where are we meeting Chrissy?" You asked.

"By our lockers," he replied. You nodded and walked down the hall some more to see Chrissy.

"Eddie?" She questioned.

"Yeah," he said as we got closer.

"You said just us," she looked at you with slight fear in her eyes.

"She's my girlfriend, she won't say anything," he reassured her.

"Yeah, I didn't see anything." You smiled softly. She smiled back and nodded. "We'll show you to the van." You then led her to Eddie's van. She hopped in the back while You and Eddie were in the front. You sat in silence as Eddie drove. The radio was playing faintly and it was actually Time After Time by Cyndi Lauper. You smiled lightly but it faded when memories started to flood your mind. You felt your hand grabbed. You looked over and Eddie held your hand, his eyes still focused on the road. He knew. He always knew.

"How long have you two been together?" Chrissy asked. You looked at her then at your hands.

"Um, a little over 5 years," you told her.

"Wow, you guys gonna get married someday?" She then asked. You looked at Eddie and he had a large smile on his face. He looked like he loved the idea. You did too. Being his wife wouldn't be the worst idea to you. You truly did love him and you always have.

"Maybe one day," Eddie looked over at you.

"Yeah," you smiled bashfully.

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