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Jessa Haywood walked through the halls of the University of Minnesota with her best friend Sheldon by her side. They had both just graduated from the university's sports medicine and physiology program a few weeks prior. Their teacher, mentor, and close friend, Doctor George Nagobads, had called them in for a meeting. The duo approached his office and Jessa knocked on the door before she opened it. "You wanted to see us, Doc?" She asked. "Yes, yes. Come in." Doc said, gesturing the two inside.

Sheldon closed the door behind them and they both sat down. "I have a proposition for you." Doc started off. Jessa and Sheldon nodded, gesturing for Doc to continue. "I've been invited to be the head physician for the men's Olympic hockey team." He continued. "That's great, Doc!" Jessa exclaimed. "And I would like you both to join me as my assistants." Doc finished. Jessa gasped in shock. "It will give you both the experience and will make it easier to find jobs after." Doc said, trying to convince them. Jessa and Sheldon turned to look at each other, big smiles on both their faces.

"We'd love to." Jessa exclaimed. "It would be an honor." Sheldon added. Doc nodded in satisfaction. "Great. Tryouts are in Colorado next week. I will see you then." He said. Jessa and Sheldon stood up. "Thank you, Doc. See you next week." Sheldon said, holding the door open for Jessa. Once the door was closed behind them, they both squealed in excitement and hugged one another.


"Honey, we're home." Sheldon said as he and Jessa walked into the apartment they shared with Sheldon's fiancée, Kristie. Jessa and Sheldon had actually met through Kristie. The two girls had been best friends since their freshman year of high school, and then Kristie had met Sheldon in their first year at the University of Minnesota, and they had been together ever since. Speaking of Kristie, the blonde soon came into the room. "Hi, honey." She said, kissing Sheldon before moving on to hug Jessa.

"How was your meeting?" She asked the two in front of her. Smiles appeared on Jessa and Sheldon's faces. "What? What are you two hiding?" Kristie teased. "You're looking at the two new assistant physicians for the men's Olympic hockey team." Sheldon told her. "What? That's amazing, guys!" Kristie exclaimed. "We start next week." Kristie added, excited for what's to come.

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