iv. thanks a lot, sheldon

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Jessa and Sheldon were in their hotel room in Finland when there was a knock on the door. "I got it." Jessa said, getting up off the bed and going to answer it. She opened it and it was Jim. "Hey, we're going down to the pool. We were wondering if you guys wanted to come?" He asked with a hopeful smile on his face. Jessa turned to glance at Sheldon. "Sure. Just give us a couple minutes. We'll meet you down there." She responded. "Okay." Jim said, smiling at her as she closed the door.

Jessa went to her suitcase and grabbed her bathing suit. Sheldon didn't move. "Don't tell me you're not gonna come." She said. "Do you really think it's a good idea for you to go down there?" He asked. "Why wouldn't it be?" Jessa questioned. "It would just be you, and a lot of guys. I don't want them looking at you the wrong way." Sheldon said. He still hadn't told her what he saw in Norway. "Sheldon, I'll be fine. I'm a big girl. I can handle myself." She said. "I know." Sheldon said, grabbing his swim trunks.



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Jessa walked into the pool area with Sheldon, and all eyes immediately snapped to her. A wolf whistle was heard, and Jessa turned to face OC. She flipped him off as she placed her towel down on one of the chairs. "You coming in or what?" OC asked as she put her hair into a messy bun. "Oh, yeah. You might wanna move back, though." She said as she ran and did a front flip into the pool, splashing everyone in the process.

She came up out of the water to face OC. "Hi." She said. "Hey." He responded. They smiled at each other. Sheldon watched them. He didn't like this. Jessa was soon pulled away from OC by Johnson, and soon enough the entire group had forgotten about that little moment. They stayed in the pool for hours, until Coach Patrick found them and told them to go back to their rooms and go to bed.



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"We were starting to think you weren't gonna show up." Mac said as Jessa and Sheldon approached the group in the restaurant in the hotel in Sweden. "Okay, it actually wasn't me this time." Jessa defended herself, turning to give a teasing glare to Sheldon. "Hey, it takes effort to look this good." He said. He helped Jessa into her seat between Mac and Jim as he took his own next to Janny. "I already you a drink." Mac whispered to her. She gave him a grateful smile.

As they were eating their meal, Ralph turned to look at Jessa. "So, we know about Sheldon's love life, but what about yours? You dating anybody?" He asked. Jessa smiled and shook her head. "No." She responded. "You sure?" Rammer asked. She nodded. "But are you really sure?" Pav asked. "Yes, I'm sure." Jessa exclaimed, fed up with them asking. The waiter came over and asked if she wanted a refill of her drunk. "No, thank you." She responded with a huff. "You a lightweight?" Silky teased.

Jessa shook her head. "Nope. But we don't talk about the last time I drank too much." She said. "What happened?" Bah asked. "You can't just say that and then not tell us." Buzz said. "She slept with Mac." Sheldon spoke up, wanting to see the reactions' of some certain players. OC had been drinking some of his beer when Sheldon revealed that, and choked on it. "Dude!" Jessa yelled out. "Thanks a lot, Sheldon." Mac said, taking a sip of his beer. Janny laughed. He was one of three people to know what went down that night, as he was Mac's roommate at the time it happened.

"What?" Rizzo asked. Sheldon nodded. "Oh, yeah." Jessa looked away, not wanting to relive this story again. "We were out when night when suddenly she disappeared. Next thing Kristie and I know is that she's walking back to the dorm in last night's dress, one of Mac's t shirts, and with her heels in one hand, and her bra bunched up in the other." Sheldon told everyone. "I literally hate you." Jessa whined. "Why'd you have to tell everyone?" "Yeah, man. We agreed to never speak of it again." Mac said. "I felt like they needed to know." Sheldon shrugged and took a sip of his beer.

"Why?" Jessa questioned. Mac stayed silent. He knew why Sheldon brought it up. Everyone did. Everyone except Jessa. "That's for me to know and for you to find out." Sheldon said. "Don't worry, Jessa. We don't think any less of you. Even though you could totally do better than Mac." Johnson said, diffusing the tension. Everyone laughed. And just like that, it was all forgotten about.



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Jessa slipped Rizzo's sweatshirt over her head as they sat in the airport. They were already on the plane, and were on the runway getting ready to take off, when the plane hit a moose that ran in front of them. The moose was fine. The plane probably wasn't. OC and some of the other guys were out on the runway pushing it back so the crew could take a look at it. Some of the boys were playing cards, Sheldon included. 

Jessa came back with a cup of coffee and sat down next to Jim. She placed her head on his shoulder and he looked down at her. "You okay?" He asked with a smile on his face. "Mhm. Just tired." Jessa responded, yawning and moving closer to him. "That what the coffee's for?" He asked. "Yep." She answered, taking a swig of it. Sheldon looked over to them and shook his head. He didn't like the way things were going with Jessa and a few of the other guys, but it wasn't his place to tell her what to do.

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