vii. we all like you

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Sheldon pulled up to the Nagobads' house and parked on the side of the road

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Sheldon pulled up to the Nagobads' house and parked on the side of the road. From the looks of it, they were late. "Sheldon, you took too long doing your hair. Come on." Jessa said, getting out of the backseat of the car. Kristie got out of the passengers' seat and linked arms with Jessa. They left Sheldon to deal with the gift bags in the trunk. The two girls walked up the driveway and Jessa knocked on the door before opening it. "Hello!" She sang out. "Late again, Jess?" Jim said. She burst out laughing. "What are we you wearing?" She asked.

"I'm Santa." He responded. She shook her head while laughing. "Why?" "It's Christmas." He exclaimed. She turned to everyone else. "Hey, everyone." They all said hello. "Guys, this is Kristie, Sheldon's fiancée, and my other half." Jessa introduced. "Hi, Kristie!" They all shouted. Kristie waved. The front door opened and Sheldon came in, dropping the bags onto the floor. "You made Sheldon carry everything?" Doc asked. The girls nodded. "He's the one who made us late." Kristie said. "I like her already." Johnson said.


The boys and Sheldon had already all opened their gifts, so now it was Jessa's turn. Jim, still dressed as Santa, handed her a gift bag with a smirk on his face. She turned to face the others. They all had smirks on their faces. She pointed between Jim and everyone else. "I don't like the look of this." She said. She removed the gift wrapped and looked in the bag. She burst out laughing and put her hand over her mouth. "What is it?" Sheldon asked. "I'm not opening that in front of them." Jessa responded, pointing over to Herb, Coach Patrick, Doc, and Doc's wife, Velta.

"We won't look." Doc said, turning away and forcing the others to do the same. "I'm still not opening it." She said, blushing. "I will." Kristie said, grabbing the bag from Jessa's hand. She reached into the bag and pulled out a USA themed lingerie set. She burst out laughing too while Sheldon shook his head. "I have a feeling this was OC's idea." Jessa said, and the said boy just shrugged. "I told them it was a bad idea." Rizzo said, embarrassed. Jessa laughed. "No, it's funny. Wait, how'd you get my size?" She asked, looking at the tag of the bra.

 Wait, how'd you get my size?" She asked, looking at the tag of the bra

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Everyone turned to look at Mac who looked away, whistling. "Go try it on." OC said. Jessa laughed. "No." She said. "Can we turn back around now?" Coach Patrick asked. Kristie put the lingerie back into the bag. "Yep." Jessa said. "Okay. Okay." Jim said. "We still got two more presents to open up." He handed a small box to Coach Patrick. "Coach Patrick, from the boys. And Jess." Jim said, winking at the girl who was still bright red. "I thought you forgot." Coach Patrick said. "To Craig." He read out. "That's beautiful." He said. "Oh, you're gonna like this one." He said to Herb.

Inside the box was a toy whistle. Coach Patrick blew into it. "Again." Everyone called out. He did it again. "Again." They kept saying, and Coach Patrick kept doing it. "Alright, that's enough of that. It's going back in the box." Herb said, taking the whistle from him. "And Herb. Merry Christmas from us." Jim said, handed Herb a package. "Drumroll, please." OC said and everyone started banging on the table. Herb ripped off the wrapping paper and pulled out a whip.

"The gift that keeps on giving." He said. "Speech! Speech!" The boys yelled out. "Well, this may come as a shock to some of you guys, but I'm not very good at giving sentimental speeches." Herb started. "Oh, really? Didn't notice." Jessa deadpanned. "I don't think I should start tonight." Herb trailed off and laughed. "Thanks for having me over, Velta." "Goodnight, Herb." Velta responded. "Doc, Merry Christmas." "Merry Christmas, Herb." Herb turned to look at everyone else. "You guys have a great holiday." "Merry Christmas, Coach." Everyone echoed as he left.

Mac leaned over Sheldon and Kristie to speak to Jessa. "Can we talk for a minute?" He asked. Jessa nodded, standing up out of her seat. They walked outside to the back patio. Jessa didn't know that three other boys were following them until she turned around. She looked at Mac, OC, Jim, and Rizzo in confusion. "Uh, what's going on, guys?" She asked. "You might wanna sit down for this." Jessa wiped some snow off of one of the patio chairs and hesitantly sat down. "Okay, now tell me what's going on." She said.

The four boys looked at each other. OC was the first one to turn to her. "The truth is, we all like you." He told her and her eyes widened. She didn't respond. She didn't know how to. "Jess, please say something." Mac said. "I don't know what to say." She admitted. The four boys looked between each other again. "You're gonna have to choose." Jim said. "We promise we won't be mad." Rizzo said. Jessa still didn't say anything. The back door opened, and Jessa thanked her saviors. It was Sheldon and Kristie. 

"We gonna play some football or what?" Sheldon asked as the rest of the boys appeared behind him. "Yeah, I need to borrow you for a minute anyways." Kristie said, holding her hand out for Jessa to take. "Please do." Jessa said, grabbing Kristie's hand and letting herself be dragged into the kitchen where Velta handed them mugs of hot chocolate. "They told you?" Kristie asked as they sat down on the couch. Jessa nodded. "I didn't expect that." She admitted. "I'm surprised you haven't noticed before." Kristie said, blowing on her hot chocolate before taking a sip.

"Kristie, I don't know what to do." Jessa whined. "Here's what I think you should do. Let each of them prove why you should choose them, and then, you know, obviously choose the best one for you." Kristie offered. Jessa nodded. "Yeah, yeah. That's a good idea." She said, shakily. The back door opened and in walked the four boys. "I'll give you guys some space." Kristie said, walking outside. "We're sorry. We didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." Rizzo said. Jessa shrugged. "I've thought about it." She said.

"You've already chosen?" OC asked. "What? No." Jessa responded. "I've thought about it, and you guys have to prove to me why I should choose you. And then, after the games, I'll decide. That gives you two months." She explained. "Are you guys okay with that?" They all nodded. "Just so you know, we've been trying to get you to notice for a while." Jim admitted. "You have?" She asked. "I really am oblivious sometimes." She said to herself. "Jess." Mac said. "Hmm?" "Look up." She looked up to see mistletoe hanging above her. She smirked. "Nice try. Have a good Christmas boys."

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