ix. i'm not getting involved in that

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The team got off the bus at the Lake Placid Olympic hockey arena

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The team got off the bus at the Lake Placid Olympic hockey arena. They were finally here. After eight months, they were finally here. The team walked into the building where Doc and OC were waiting. Herb went to talk to them and they all heard a squeal. They looked over to see Kristie rushing towards them. She reached Jessa first and gave her a hug. "Hey, stop hogging my fiancée." Sheldon complained, pulling the blonde into a hug and kiss. "Hey, she was my girl first." Jessa said to him. "I love your shoes by the way." Kristie said to Jessa. "Thank you. I bedazzled them a little bit." Jessa said. She had bought a pair of plain white heels, and hotglued red, white, and blue rhinestones on them. 


The team was walking to the locker room when Jessa noticed OC out on the ice with his crutches. "Go tell him." Herb said to Jessa. She nodded and slowly walked out onto the ice so that she was just a little bit ahead of OC. "Doc said no, right?" OC asked the girl clad in white. She looked like an angel. His angel. Said girl turned to face him. "He said you might be able to go in a week. Maybe two." She told him. "What if it's two?"

"Puts us in a tight spot, doesn't it? Jack, Herb has twenty guys to think about here and they're all looking at him to do what's best for this team." Jessa explained. "I understand, Jessa." "Which is why he's hanging on to you." OC slowly turned to face her. She smiled at him. "I swear to god, Jess, if you're not being serious right now." He exclaimed. "I'm only saying this if you promise right now you won't even think about asking us to play until we tell you." Jessa continued. "I won't. I mean, I will. I promise you, Jessa."

"Cause if you do, Jack, Herb'll stick your ass on an airplane and you're headed back to Boston." Jessa told me. OC smiled before leaning forward and capturing her lips with his. Jessa pulled away and held onto his arms. "Alright, Doc's waiting for ya." She said while smiling. OC smiled at her. "Go." She said, jerking her head to the exit. "Whoo! OC's playing baby!" He shouted out as slowly went off the ice.


Team USA was playing Sweden in the first qualifying round. Mac had gotten injured and now Jessa, Doc, and Sheldon were trying to fix him up on the bench. "Honey, where is it?" Jessa asked, moving her hand up Mac's leg. "Up this way. That's it." He said, thrashing against Sheldon's arms as Jessa pressed down on his thigh. "Okay, come on." Doc said. "Herb, I'm taking him out." That was another player down. Jessa followed after them, letting Sheldon take over on the bench.

They had wrapped Mac's leg up, and he was now icing it. They declared him done for the night. He could injure it more if he played. After the first period, everyone else came back into the locker room. "This is unbelievable." Herb yelled as he came into the room. "You guys are playing like this is some throwaway game up in Rochester." Jessa watched from her spot next to OC at the front of the room. "Who we playing, Rammer?" "Sweden." Rammer answered. "Yeah, you're damn right. Sweden." Herb yelled, knocking over the water table.

Jessa jumped at his outburst. "In the Olympics." He looked at everyone before his glare settled on Mac. "What the hell's wrong with you? Put your gear on." Mac didn't move. "I said put your gear on." "Doc told me I can't play." Mac told him. "Yeah, yeah. I know. You got a bad bruise." Mac looked at him in shock. "You know what? Put your street clothes on cause I got no time for quitters." Rizzo spoke up. "Come on, Herb. Nobody's quitting here." "You worry about your own game. Plenty there to keep you busy." Herb retaliated.

"A bruise on the leg is a hell of a long way from the heart, you candy ass." "What'd you call me?" Mac yelled out. "You heard me." Mac stood up, throwing the bag of ice to the ground. "You want me to play, huh? Is that what you want?" He asked. "I want you to be a hockey player!" Herb screamed at him. "I am a hockey player!" Mac yelled back. Johnson and Buzz grabbed him and held him back. "You want me to play on one leg? Huh? I'll play on one leg!" Mac continued yelling. "Are you gonna stop him?" Sheldon asked. Jessa shook her head. "Hell no. I'm not getting involved in that."


With less than three minutes left in the game, USA was trailing two to one. Mac was playing, and of course, he was hit into the boards. He quickly got up, trying not to put too much pressure on his injured leg. USA had the puck, before it was taken by the Swedes. Mac checked the player with the puck hard into the boards. The Swedes regained control of the puck with less than two minutes left. They shot the puck but Jim knocked it out of the air.

Jim smacked his stick on the ice, signaling for Herb to take him out and put it an extra player. Herb held out his hand, telling Jim to wait just a second. They shot the puck and Jim stopped it. Jim started yelling over at Herb. "Call him." Herb said to Jessa. She started waving her hand for Jim to leave the net and come over to the bench. He quickly skated over and hopped over the side. Herb quickly told Johnson to get on the ice.

Silky shot the puck at the net but it was stopped by the Swedish goalie. Thirty nine seconds remaining. Buzz got tangled up with the puck and a Swedish player, so he kicked the puck over to Pav who sent it across the ice to Baker. Baker wound up for a slapshot, and into the net the puck went. They had tied the game in the final minute. 

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