v. no, they're russians

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The entire team, along with Herb, Coach Patrick, Doc, Jessa, and Sheldon were in the locker room watching film reel on the Soviet team

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The entire team, along with Herb, Coach Patrick, Doc, Jessa, and Sheldon were in the locker room watching film reel on the Soviet team. They had just beaten the NHL All Star Team consisting of some of the best players in the league. "Russian style of play, boys. Fluid, creative. The forwards are constantly circling. They don't so much look for a man as they do a patch of ice. You get the mismatch. Two on one. Easy goal." Herb told the boys.

"Looks a lot like me out there, huh, boys?" Bah asked and everyone chuckled. "Boris Mikhailov. Captain for the last six years. He is the best player at his position, and that includes, as we've just found out, the NHL." Herb continued. "These guys ever smile?" Baker asked. "No, they're Russians." Jessa responded in a monotone voice. "They get shot if they smile." OC added on. They laughed. "Vladislav Tretyak. You score on Tretyak, keep the puck. Cause it doesn't happen often." Jessa made eye contact with Jim across the room.

"Forty two games in the last three months. Forty two wins. Their main weapon is intimidation. They know they're gonna win. And so do their opponents." Herb shut the film reel off and turned the lights back on. No one spoke as Herb paced at the front of the room. "Look, I can give you all a load of crap about how you're a better team than they are, but that's exactly what it'd be. And everyone here knows what people are saying about our chances. I know it. You know it. But I also know there is a way to stay with this team."

Herb paused and went to the chalkboard. "You don't defend them. You attack them." He said, marking on the board. "You take their game and you shove it right back in their face. The team that is finally willing to do this is the team that has a chance to put them down. NHL won't change their game. We will. The rest of the world is afraid of them. Boys, we won't be." The boys nodded their heads. "No one has ever worked hard enough to skate with the Soviet team for an entire game. Gentlemen, we are gonna work hard enough."



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Jessa threw the tennis ball over Jim's shoulder to the wall. It would bounce back, Jim would catch it, hand it back to her, and the cycle would repeat. Jessa didn't know why Herb had her help Jim with this, but she learned not to question his methods. Plus, she didn't mind it. She liked spending time with Jim. 



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Jessa walked over to where Jim stood with his dad outside the bus. She placed her hand on Jim's back. "Hey, we gotta go." She said. "Hi, Mr Craig." She said to Jim's father. "Hello, Jessa." He responded. "See ya, Dad." Jim said, smiling at Jessa before getting on the bus. "Thank you for being here. I know it means a lot to him." Jessa said to Mr Craig. He nodded. "You mean a lot to him as well." She smiled. "Jess! You coming?" OC called out from the door. "Yeah." She smiled at Mr Craig once more before running over and grabbing OC's hand, letting him drag her onto the bus.



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"Hey, guys." Jessa said as she walked into her living room to see the team there. "Hey, Jess." They all said. "You know, Jessa, I think you should go help Rizzo in the kitchen." Ralph said. "No!" Sheldon shouted out. Everyone turned to stare at him. "I think she should stay here." He said. "Look, we're playing Monopoly. Come join us." He continued. "No, thanks." Jessa said. "Yeah, good idea. Mac keeps landing on all of OC's properties." Suter informed her. Jessa laughed before walking into the kitchen.

"Hey." She said to Rizzo. "Hey." He responded, an automatic smile forming on his lips. "Whatcha making?" She asked. "Meatballs." Rizzo responded. "Need any help?" Rizzo shook his head. "No. I could use the company, though." He said. Jessa nodded and hopped up onto the counter. Rizzo put the meatballs in the oven and washed his hands before coming over to stand in front of Jessa. "You're beautiful." He whispered. Jessa giggled and looked down, hiding her blush. "Come on." Rizzo said, holding out his hand once a song came over the radio. Jessa recognized it as Edwin McCain's I'll Be.

"Rizzo, I don't dance." She responded as Rizzo's arm went around her waist. He grabbed her hand with hers and started moving them back and forth. "That's okay. I don't either." He took her hand and spun her around before dipping her down. They both laughed as Rizzo brought her up. They would've kept dancing, but then the oven went off, signaling that the meatballs were done, and soon enough, the rest of the boys joined them in the dining room. 



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Jessa and Sheldon were going to be out near the rink today. They had to evaluate the boys' physical health for Doc. Mac was leading everyone in their stretch when Timmy Harrer came in and skated over to Herb and Coach Patrick. They boys all went silent. "Jess." Jim called out. She walked over and leaned down between him and Bah. "Who's that guy?" He asked. "Timmy Harrer. Plays for the Gophers. Having a big year." She explained. "What the hell is he doing here?" Jim asked. Jessa shrugged. "No idea." "Why's he here?" "You guys know he was coming?" The boys started questioning.

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