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"I really don't know how I'd get here without you

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"I really don't know how I'd get here without you." Jessa said as Kristie finished doing her hair and makeup. "Thank you for being the sister I never had." She continued, getting choked up. "Hey, no getting emotional now. Save that for my speech later." Kristie said, taking a sip of her champagne. Jessa chuckled. "Cheers." She said, clinking her glass with Kristie's. "Wow, Aunty Jess. You look beautiful." Kristie and Sheldon's daughter, Georgia, said as she came into the room with her father.

"Well, I think you look beautiful too." Jessa said. Georgia giggled. "You almost ready?" Sheldon asked. "We just have to add the finishing touch." Kristie said, grabbing the veil. She carefully placed it into Jessa's hair. Kristie looked at her through the mirror. "Look at you." She said. "All grown up." "Please do not make me cry already." Jessa said to her. "You ready?" Sheldon asked as Jessa grabbed her bouquet and Kristie gave Georgia her basket of flowers.

Jessa linked arms with both Sheldon and Kristie as Georgia walked in front of them. The doors opened as the wedding march began playing. Jessa locked eyes with the man waiting for her at the end of the aisle. There was nothing else in the world other than the two of them. Soon enough, they reached the altar, and Sheldon and Kristie handed Jessa off. "You look absolutely beautiful." He said. "And you look very handsome." Jessa whispered.


"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." The reverend said, and Jessa wasted no time in bringing her new husband into a kiss. They grabbed each other's hand and intertwined their fingers as they ran down the aisle with Sheldon, Georgia, and Kristie behind them. They paused at the end of the aisle, leaning in for another kiss before walking out the doors.


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