A Howl

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Louisa's p.o.v

We're going through the time portal thing again to get back to our time in New York, though once we got to the other side we scream. Though after a second we stop midair, so I look to see who caught us and see that it was April. Then she moved her hand to get us all on our feet "is every vampire alright?" Leo asks out. Sam nods saying "yeah, make sure you ain't gonna turn on us" I look up before saying "I'm good." "I'm just trying ta figure out how to use ice or snow" Raph answers as he's looking at his hands.

Casey softly sighs saying "good as I can be, yo" I walk over to Raph and start telling him what helped me and using my powers. Though it didn't work as Casey just says "just start feeling no emotions as you think on what you want. Like ice chips or snow, I haven't tried to make anything in specific like a sword or anything yet, dude." Raph blinked before doing what Casey said and made an ice-sphere "woah, that actually worked." Leo got our attention as he says "look, it's... us" we look over and see us jump into the forcefield.

That's when Renet just made us go back in time "that was the beginning of our journey through time to stop Savanti from building his monster army. Didn't really go so well..." Renet informs us, so Raph motions over the town while glaring at her. "If anything there seem to be more monsters now than when we left!" Raph says upset. Looking over I see all of the vamps, weird bat-men, werewolves-... everything is running rapid. Mikey grabs onto his hat as he says "dudes, monsters are everywhere! How are we gonna beat em all?" I nervously bite my lip.

'I know this isn't the last adventure- we do end up outsmarting them' I think before Sam looks over at Renet a bit annoyed over all this. "Renet, you're from the future - you should know what happened... give us something!" Sam says while slightly glaring at her. Renet looks at the scepter saying "um, no.. because Savanti is changing everything by the second." A weird feeling came over me as I feel like howling, so I look up and see that there's a bit of a full moon. "G-Guys, someone put a muzzle on me" I say as I turn into my full dog form, everyone was confused.

April was the one to say "what do you-?" I howled up at the moon before someone finally covered my mouth, so I whimper. Turning back I say "s-sorry, I'm never outside when there's a full moon... I guess this was why." Everyone starts to get in a fighting stance before bats fly up and past us "at least they're only bats!" Mikey yells out. A few thuds got my attention as I look back, Mikey does too and we see the bat-men behind us. They're also a bit above before Leo says "there's too many - move!!" With that we're running.

Casey has April on his back as we go, as we run though we had to stop since a werewolf came and tried chomping at Leo. He stopped and screamed before running a different way, so we follow after him- Renet saved him by jumping on the werewolf. We're still running as this time Sam saved him and then we had to jump off the roof to get into an alley. Raph tried to fly a bit down but ended up crashing into the wall, so I chuckle a bit at that. Now we're running again, we went fast as we hid around the corner... waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

Bat-men tried to search for us before Mikey used his nunchucks to wrap it around one and pull it- he must've hid somewhere else after. The other one looked for its buddy before Raph shoved it into the car, with that we were about to go down into the sewers. A sound made us realize we could get caught, so we ran a different way instead- it was two more bat-men. We hid in front of a semi-truck before one started coming towards us- using its nails to scratch the truck. The sound hurt my dog ears as I was about to whimper but felt a three-fingered hand cover my mouth.

I hold my breath as we stay on this side of the truck before we had to jump up on top, here we stayed as I let out my breath. They finally ran off, but I could hear something else coming near, Raph must've heard it too. He used his vampire speed and took out the one that was right there before coming back. "We got to leave quick before any others try to alert the rest" Raph says as we stay here. Renet then points a direction and starts running, with that we follow after her and she says "this way."

She used the scepter to open a grate, we jump in and she closed it before basically sealing it shut "I'm starting to feel like we're delaying the inevitable" April says scared. I hit her for that which made her glare at me, but Leo looks at us saying "no, we're back in the sewers. This is our element" I smile at this and say "see, I hit you for a reason, O'Neil." Sam chuckled saying "did you really need a reason?" Casey hissed before we just started running. We basically make our way towards the lair "okay, vamps will stand guard" I say as the rest nod.

With that everyone goes to basically do their own thing - Sam, Leo, Renet and Donnie went to the lab to charge up the scepter. Mikey dragged April into doing "research" on how to stop the guys as us vamps stay at the entrance. "I can't believe you made us keep watch" Raph says annoyed "what else is there to do?" I ask him. Raph chuckled saying "try out our new ice powers" Casey then decided to join in on that talk. "Think we got that weird screaming power too?" "My ice powers have no relation to the other besides me."


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


2012 TMNT Monsters Among Us (including a new character)Where stories live. Discover now