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Louisa's p.o.v

We run towards the back of this weird hospital and I see an opening before I say "guys, through here!" I tripped through and summersault through. I yelp as I hurt my tail, Donnie came in after me as he says "Louisa, you've given a lot for us. What did you give me?" "My stamina..." I answer while looking down, my dog ears press against my head too. The rest of the gang came in too as the door shut behind us, now we're going back through the sewers. It took a bit, but we finally got to a manhole and Sam was the one to see if it looks good out.

"Coast is clear" she says and we all climb up, though they somehow found us-... 'I blame Vamp Baxter' I think as I get out my kunais. Savanti and Dracula appear on a rooftop above us "we are on the cusp of a new era" Savanti starts his rant. "Where Dracula and I rule all of time, space and the ten dimensions!" Savanti finished which made my eyes widen. April was the one to ask "is that possible?!" Renet then says "not only possible" 'oh wow this is fun.' "Now that they have the time scepter it's totally probable" Renet finished as the vamps, Dracula and Savanti are down here.

Savanti's still smirking as he says "and you will not be able to stop us - 'why?' You ask" Mikey was probably annoyed at this point. Only thinking that judging off his response- "uh, we didn't ask - no one asked" I chuckle at that. Sam softly nudged me mumbling "isn't that what I usually say?.." "I guess not this time" I mumble back. Dracula steps up saying "because we will destroy you now - monsters, eliminate the turtles, girls and boy." Frank stepped up and roared out in anger, so I struggle with moving or even yelling anything at him.

Mikey pushed in front of me saying "there's another way - Frank, buddy.. we're bros, remember? They're the enemies!" Frank grabbed his head. Dracula chimed in saying "you will do my bidding, monster" Frank looked like he was still struggling. Mikey then says "Dracula is the worst! Does he even know your favorite food? Cause I'm your real friend. I know your favorite food is... frankfurters!" Frank's eyes shot wide open as he still stands there. Dracula was still trying to take Frank over as he says "destroy them, creature!" I narrow my eyes at him.

Frank glares back yelling "NOOO! Mikey is REAL friend!!" With that he starts to fight off some of the monsters, I start helping too. Barely I fight bat-men before a werewolf tried to grab me, so I yelp and barely dodge- Donnie came in and saved me last second. I smile as we fight back-to-shell with these creatures "stamina won't help me though, Louisa." "Oh yeah?.. have you tried to use it?" I ask a bit smug as we kept fighting and I tripped over his staff. He gets me back up before jumping up and kicking off a werewolf before backflipping back to me.

"Woah, I feel lighter than usual" he says as we still fight "see? It can help" I say as we fight, an idea came to me though as I look towards Mikey. Freezing up my hand I yell out "yo, garlic me up" he tilt his head before throwing me some garlic. I hiss a bit before jumping up onto a fire escape, then I look up at Dracula and Savanti as they're in the air. Dracula was going on his own rant before I throw one garlic at his head, he grunted before glaring at me. "No one assaults the immortal Dracula with-" I throw two more at him making him flinch.

Savanti has the scepter now as he points it at me, so my eyes widen that's when someone hit it with a grappling hook. It flies out of Savanti's hold and into the air out of the hook's reach, so I fly up saying "I got it!" I accidentally set it off. I know I didn't break it... I just got us time travelling again "I don't got it!" I say as I barely hang onto it. "Louisa!!" Leo and Raph yell at me, I start to get a bit scared as I was the first to fall through. I fell onto a knight making him grunt and I fell back to the ground, everyone else came through fighting.

Everything in me froze as I watch this, Vamp Baxter tackled Mikey getting him to see the knights "medieval knights! Majestic heroes of bravery. They'll help us, dudes!" He says happily, though they ran off yelling monsters basically. "Get the scepter!" Leo yells out getting my eyes to widen and they all run over here. The only bad guy running over is Vamp Kit as she's right behind Leo, so I whimper as I take a small step back. They tumbled on the ground as they reached out for my foot, so I take a small step back again.

This time I felt something against my back causing me to yelp and use the scepter again to get us travelling in time yet again. "Frank break everything!!" Frank yells out as we go through before landing in a different time. I grunt as I land on a rooftop, looking around I notice it looks like we're in Japan- it looks like near where we seen Yoshi and Saki. "When are we?!" April yells out as I watch everyone still fight, but I take a few steps back. Leo tried to call out to the ninjas for help, but they all just ran off making me deadpan at them.

It sounds like someone's behind me, so I turn and see Savanti right there - my eyes widen as I jump back and he gets hit with tiny stakes. Vamp Baxter is right here as he's by me, so my eyes widen 'okay, now I'm on the second part of the roof thingie.' He growls as he tried to pry the scepter from me "this is-" "hoo-ya!" Mikey yells out. Though he hit Vamp Baxter off the rooftop, I yelp as he dragged me with him, but I kick him away from me. I landed on my back while groaning, in front of me is now Vamp Kit making me shriek.


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


2012 TMNT Monsters Among Us (including a new character)Where stories live. Discover now