Accidental Bite

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Louisa's p.o.v

I felt hit with something cold, so I flinch and shake my head a bit before looking at Raph as he's smirking while holding a snowball. He went to throw another one at me, this time I dodged and it hit Casey, so he roll his eyes at us. "You two are childish" he says as he still stands there, so I smirk and make my own snowball. I throw it Raph's way, but he dodged - a small part of me was saying to concentrate on guarding the entrance. Though everything else is saying to have some fun, with that me and Raph are having a snowball fight.

That's when Casey grunts, looking over we see him fighting Vamp Kit - we share a look and go to help him take her down. "No!!" Donnie yells before a few crash sounds get our attention from the lab, I use my vampire speed to run over. There stands Vamp Baxter as he jumps out of the lab, so I stand in his way saying "hand over the scepter, Baxter. I don't want to hurt you-" "vut I vant to hurt you!" Vamp Kit yells out and I was kicked to the side. I whimper as I barely sit up 'right, Raph has my strength as Casey has my smarts... I'm basically useless.'

Bat-men and werewolves are here along with Frank as Vamp Kit says "greetings, turtles - now you will become one of us." I stand up as basically have to use either fists or my kunais now, so I start fighting bat-men off. "This whole situation is ruining Halloween for me, dudes!" Mikey yells out as I try to concentrate. Sam then yells out "guys, we gotta focus!" "FRRRRAAANK!!" Frank yells out as I still take on bat-men. 'Hehehe, bat-men sounds like Batman' I think before chuckling a bit- I got hit back by a bat-man for that.

Shaking my head I barely dodge more bat-men before getting back to fighting, that's when I remember Donnie gets bitten next. My eyes widen as I start to do backhand springs towards where he is and barely kick Vamp Baxter away. I smirk as I say "woo! Dumb Weeza to the rescue" Raph comes over as he says "celebrate later." Then he hit me upside the head making me yelp and accidentally bite down onto Donnie's neck. My eyes widen as I get off of him while covering my mouth, Donnie screams out in pain.

"Donnie!" April yells out worried as Donnie starts to stumble, Raph caught him saying "okay, I blame myself on that one." Vamp Kit starts to walk over, so I kick her back saying "get back, Evil Kit!" Though she smirks as Vamp Baxter stands by her side. "Finally, the turtles are outmatched" she says as they both stand there "it'll all be over soon" Vamp Baxter adds on. Though I realize I could still be fighting, so I stuck by Raph as I help him fight off bat-men. Donnie points towards the lab saying "guys... that way" with that we run into the lab.

Casey shut the door and froze it shut "hopefully my ice is strong" he mumbles before Donnie started to feel a bit better. He gets off of Raph and runs out the garage doorway saying "quick! This way" we follow after him. Casey's holding April again as we run, we kept running until we got to this one way where there's a stairway. We go down it and stopped as I look ahead and see that Donnie's struggling a bit, but at the bottom there's a set of doors.

Leo and Mikey push it open, so we walk in- someone switched on the lights making my jaw drop at how freaky the place looks. "Woah, an old hospital" Donnie says as we walk around, Sam makes a sound of disgust. "More like nightmare hospital" Sam says as we walk around, April starts to agree with her. "The kind that used leeches instead of bandages" she says as Mikey and Renet block the doorway. Mikey smiles saying "that iron door should hold them, no problemo!" I smile at that as I hug him.

He chuckles saying "the thing about evil vampires - they hate iron" I stand up as I go near the iron stuff- before a strong sense of pain struck. I hiss and take steps back "how did you possibly know that!?" Leo asks a bit shocked as he looks at him. Raph helped me stay on my feet as I don't bother to hear what Mikey responded with, I kept an eye on Donnie. 'This is my fault, I have to help' I think before concentrating on a new wrist band for him. Easily I got it made before hearing him scream out in pain again, so I think on what I can give him.

'Uh.... shoot-' "I give you my stamina" I say and open my eyes to see the wrist band glowing, so I don't even wait for it to go down. Leo and Raph are having to hold him down as Sam starts to question April and Mikey on if the comics say how to stop this. "Yeah, with a certain Ice-wielder's wrist band!" I say as I stuck it on his wrist and seal it shut with my ice. Donnie kept screaming before panting softly and sitting up, he looks at his wrist before thinking. Then he made an ice-dagger "huh... Casey was right, that's how you use the ice powers."

Leo groans as Casey says "right, now we just have to.. stop that Savanti guy, stop Dracula and get the time scepter back from Vamp Baxter." April softly facepalms saying "all before the world ends!!" Someone's banging on the door as we hear Frank. Leo softly facepalms saying "great, vampires hate iron but Frankenstein's are fine with it." Donnie's eyes are now glowing blue as fangs grow out, so I look down saying "sorry, Don Don. This is all my fault" "don't worry about it, honeybee - we'll fix this together later, let's get going."


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


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