1. Harsh Environment

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Marcy's POV

I always felt misunderstood. Not many people care about what I feel or what I say. They ignore me or say that I'm annoying. It's like I don't exist to anyone. For years, I suffered a lot because I was sold to a pack by my own parents at the age of eight. The alpha of the Newtopia pack that I'm in mistreats me since I'm weak and an omega. I wasn't allowed to talk to anybody in the pack, making me feel lonely.

Being alone most of the time sucked without having somebody to talk to. Except, I have four people in my life that I managed to build a friendship with. Well...technically three. Even though my alpha said I couldn't speak to anyone in the pack, I was able to be friends with Yunan and Olivia. They were like mothers to me. So gentle and welcoming. They've done whatever they could to protect me from our alpha. Until the two of them were kicked out. After that, I haven't heard from them.

My third friend is Sasha Waybright. She's not from my pack, but I met her in my second year of highschool. She is independent along with her adopted father, Grime, who's not in any pack. Sasha likes to ditch school unless she needs to stay for cheerleading practice. But whenever I need her, she stays at school for me.

Last but not least, Anne Boonchuy. She's not a friend of mine. Not even an acquaintance. What she is to me is nothing more than a crush. We've never spoken to each other nor did we have any classes together. I don't know why, but something about Anne just catches my attention. It's bad that I like her because werewolves are supposed to have mates. I know for sure she's not my mate because there's somebody else perfect just for Anne. Either way, who would even be in love with someone like me.

"Hey Marcy," I perked my head up from under the covers to see Cloak-Bot, my alpha's beta, barge into my small room. Cloak-Bot is a nickname given to this beta when he was first brought into the pack, as he didn't have a name of his own.


"Alpha Andrias has some tasks for you to do around the house. Him, myself, and the pack will be doing our morning run in the woods. He says he wants you to finish everything by the time we arrive back or else," Cloak had a paper in his hand which he crumbled it to a ball and tossed it on my bed. It landed by where my feet were at. He didn't say anything else and shut the door.

I turned my body to the side to check the time on my phone. It was six in the morning. I groaned to myself, still feeling exhausted from the lack of sleep. But there's some good news for me when I finish up whatever Andrias needs me to do. I can read my books that Yunan and Olivia have given to me and do some studying to get back on track when I begin my last year of school.

I pulled the blanket off of me and grabbed the ball of paper from the edge of the bed. I unscrambled it to see a title on the top saying To-Do List. Indeed, there was a list in bulletin points with different chores written on the lined paper. I need to sweep, mop, wash dishes, and make the alpha's bed.

"How in the world am I supposed to do all of this in two hours? I swear Andrias is doing it on purpose. I can't even eat breakfast until I'm done cleaning first," I mumbled to myself. My eyes started welling up with tears. I'm the only person who's a maid in this household.

As much as I want to escape this place for good, I can't. There's nowhere for me to stay. I don't want to be a bother to Sasha and ask my friend if I can crash at her place. I would rather get a place of my own and be myself. Then, nobody would have to see me again and tell me what to do. Instead, I'm stuck here in a basement with hardly any light and warmth.

I used the back of my hand to wipe away the tears that fell and got up from my bed. I slipped on my slippers and headed to the bathroom. I didn't bother getting dressed or brushing my hair because it would get dirty or messy if I did. All I did was brush my teeth and make my way out of the bedroom. It was quiet in the house which meant that everyone was gone.

My Omega Mate (Marcanne) Werewolf AUWhere stories live. Discover now