10. My Parents

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Previously, on My Omega Mate...

I laughed quietly to myself as Marcy and I made our way home together. She kept asking me about my injuries and making sure that I felt okay. I thought it was cute of Marbles to worry about me. It shows that she cares about me, and it's sweet of her. I felt much better knowing that Andrias will never know what had happened to Cloak-Bot. I pray he doesn't think either Marcy nor I did something to make him disappear. Until then, we'll have time to prepare for battle.


Third Person

"Ow ow ow. Ouch!" Anne winced in pain as one of the pack doctors was close to finishing cleaning up the wounds Anne received.

"Come on Anne. Quit being a baby. You'll heal before tomorrow comes."

"She's right alpha. You will be in great shape in no time."

"I know, I know. I'm sorry I had to bother you guys. Though, I appreciate your help, Doctor Terri and Doctor Jan," Anne smiled to show how appreciative she was towards the two women.

"Anytime kid. Oh my, would you look at that!?" Doctor Jan excitedly exclaimed.

"W-What? Is something wrong?" Anne asked anxiously.

"Nope! Your skin is closing already. I guess you don't need stitches like I thought you would. It's amazing how a powerful wolf like yourself can heal as if nothing happened to you."

"That's a perk of coming from a strong bloodline. Anyway, thanks for your guy's help," Anne got off the table and pulled her shirt down.

"Of course dear! Just let Terri and I know if something is wrong, okay?"

"Okay. I'll catch you two later. Thanks again," Anne waved off and left the patient room while Jan and Terri cleaned up. Currently, Anne was in Terri and Jan's house. Their home was like a hospital but for the Resistance pack only. Outside of the patient room were the Plantars, Yunan, Olivia, and Marcy as they waited for Anne. The alpha and luna made sure to check in with the Plantars and Marcy's adoptive parents to let them know they are alive. Afterwards, they all went together to meet with Doctor Jan and Doctor Terri.

"Hey guys!" Anne greeted cheerfully.

"What happened?" Sprig questioned.

"What did they say?" Hop Pop was next to interrogate his adoptive granddaughter.

"Are you going to die!?" Polly dramatically asked.

"Woah woah woah. One at a time please," Anne raised both her hands up.

"Sorry," the Plantars apologized.

"I'm okay. Jan was about to give me stitches, but my skin was beginning to close on itself. Thankfully, I wasn't bleeding. My wounds weren't as deep or infected, so that's a good thing."

"Whew. Thank goodness. I was starting to get worried about you, Anne," Hopediah wiped his imaginary sweat from his forehead.

"No need to, HP. I'm tougher than stones."

"Duh! It's hard to defeat the one and only, Anne Boonchuy," Sprig lightly punched his friend's arm.

"You know it buddy."

My Omega Mate (Marcanne) Werewolf AUWhere stories live. Discover now