5. Suspicions

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Previously, on My Omega Mate...

"That was weird. I'm sure she was told to go to sleep. Don't you think so Domino?" I caressed my cat's fur as she was laying next to me. Domino perked her head up and did a quiet meow before putting her head back down on the bed.

"At least I'll see Marcy at school. I need to tell my friends that I want to hang out with her again. Maybe I can bring her and Sasha to our group and introduce them. I know they wouldn't mind it. As for me, I wouldn't mind sleeping. G'night Domino," I put my phone to charge, went under the covers, and closed my eyes.


Third Person

Anne yawned as she stepped on school grounds with her four friends belonging to her pack. She wasn't able to sleep well since Marcy was in her mind during the entire night. Not that Anne minded, but she wanted a bit of sleep.

"Hey guys?"

"Yeah Anne?" Sprig and the girls paid attention to their alpha.

"Do you think Marcy can sit with us during lunch? Well, whenever she's ready to meet you four."

"Is that even a question? Of course she can sit with us at our table. We all want to get to know her, you know."

"I know. Until the time is right, I'll introduce her. I'm barely getting Marcy out of her shell, so it might be a few weeks," Anne sleepily explained.

"Sure thing Anne. The girls and I will be grabbing some breakfast. Wanna go with us?"

"No thanks. I'm going to wait here for Marcy. I hope you guys don't mind."

"Not at all. Go be with our luna. We'll catch ya later," Sprig and the others waved before heading to the cafeteria.

'I love my friends. So supportive and all,' Anne thought as she grinned.

"That smile of yours looks super cute on you~" Anne was brought back from her thoughts once she heard a familiar voice.


"No problem. How's that nose of yours doing?" Maggie got close to Anne and booped her nose. Anne wasn't sure what was going on with her friend. She had an idea that Maggie was being a little too friendly towards her.

"It's back in shape. The bruising went away with the help of my own strength." Depending on how strong a wolf is can determine how quickly their mild wounds would heal. The bigger the wound, the longer it will heal just like humans.

"That's good. Say, why don't we go somewhere together after school. Just you and I. We could go wherever you like," Maggie offered.

"Uh, sure. We can head straight over to a cafe and grab something to eat there." Before the ginger could say anything, she noticed from afar, Sasha and Marcy heading towards their direction.

Maggie smirked and then pulled one of Anne's arms towards herself and said aloud, "Oh my goodness Anne! That is such a great plan! I can't wait to be with you after school! It'll be so much fun together, just you and I!"

"Dude, what's with you?"

"Hey Boonchuy," Sasha interrupted and greeted Anne with her arms crossed and a frowning face. Next to her was Marcy looking away from the two girls in front of her. She noticed that Maggie was touching Anne in an unusual way that made her feel jealous.

"Sup dudes! I was waiting for you guys to arrive," Anne yanked Maggie away from her before approaching Sasha and Marcy. She fist bumped Sasha and gave a small wave to her mate.

My Omega Mate (Marcanne) Werewolf AUWhere stories live. Discover now