13. Christmas Disaster

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A/n: Angst time ;-; Also, how do y'all like my drawing of human Andrias? Pretty neat, am I right?

Previously, on My Omega Mate...

Everything that my pack and I went through made me open my eyes more. I've seen the development, growth, and progress that the Resistance has made. They have full potential. Without them, I wouldn't be alive for my eighteenth birthday. I owe everybody my entire life. That is why I'm devoted to protecting the people that I call my family. No matter what you have up your sleeves, you won't win, Andrias.


???'s POV

"We've got 'em. Our target has been locked."

"How did you find them?" I whipped my head around when I heard that my opponents were detected.

"I found a ball of black fur lying on the sidewalk. Obviously, none of us have fur other than you know who. So I took it with me and traveled to where the sidewalk would lead me to. There was a neighborhood I've never seen before. I assume they are living in that neighborhood."

"And how do you know that you're correct?"

"The fur I brought with me had some DNA in it. I gave it to the scientists to confirm my findings, and they did so. It belongs to her."

"She could be hiding in that neighborhood. If not, why would her fur be laying there out of nowhere? It makes sense from what you told me so far. I think we shall gather our people and break into their homes. What do you think of that idea?" I wanted an opinion.

"I think it's a brilliant plan. They won't know what's coming to bite them."

"You are correct. I want you to bring everyone outside. I'll let them know what our plan will be to capture them. Tomorrow will be the day their lives are destroyed. They'll fear me!" I sneered.

I never felt so alive. Not for something as big as this moment. I feel so accomplished after months of searching. I'm ready to take the final next step in completing my father's mission. Everyone's downfall will bring me back to my sane self like how I used to be. This will hurt a lot, my nemesis. Your time is up and so is your life.


Anne's POV

"We wish you a merry Christmas. We wish you a merry Christmas. We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year!" Sprig finished singing and playing his violin. We clapped and cheered him on for his little show. He wanted to put on a quick performance as he does every Christmas. This was something new for Marcy, Olivia, and Yunan to experience.

"Amazing job, Sprig. You are a talented, young man," Olivia praised.

"Why thank you, Olivia. I greatly appreciate the compliment," Sprig bowed down before walking away from the fireplace.

"Anne!! Can we open our presents already? I'm tired of waiting," Polly complained as she was growing impatient.

"Not this again. You need to be patient, Polly. We only got an hour left before we're able to unwrap them. This is part of our tradition. Do something productive to kill some time," I encouraged the little one.

"We can do a building contest by making gingerbread houses!" Marcy suggested as she brought out a tray of gingerbread cookies out of the oven.

"What a great idea."

"I agree."

"Can we eat it afterwards?"

"Let's do it!"

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