chapter 7

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another chapter up!

if i have any grammatical errors, please let me know! seriously, please do. the only editor i have is me, myself, and I. so i don't see the mistakes very well.

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They froze, unable to look away.

It was one thing to know that ones standard of living was going to decline. It was entirely another to actually see the decline in front of you.

It was a hut. Not a cottage, oh no, a damn hut, a tiny, minuscule lean-to.Even the ever optimistic Belle was shocked at the size.

It was two stories, the second being in the roof of the house. The roof itself was made of thatch that was brown and needed to be replaced with a small, stone smokestack poking on one side of the cottage. The walls were made of old, gray and brown stones, with the off-white plaster peeling off, with exposed thick dark wood, made in the old Tudor style. The small windows had shutters that seemed to be painted blue, but it was so faded and old that it was hard to see actual color of the paint. The door, was a similar wood to the exposed wood on the walls, but didn’t seem to fit in the doorway correctly. There were old vines all over the walls, so much so that the one of the windows on the first floor was covered. There was a small old stone fence around the property, with a wooden blue fence in the front. From the front of the cottage one could also see a small, ramshackle barn behind the cottage. It looked ready to collapse at any second. Behind the whole property, was large forest. It was dark, and ancient, like they were here in the times of Lancelot and King Arthur.This was the forest that named the town Bois Noirs.

The Beaumont’s were frightened to see the inside, praying that the inside wasn’t as dreadful as the outside.

“Now, it ain’t as bad as it seems, I know it looks crummy but not to worry, me an’ Jean fixed it up a bit, but two weeks can only do so much. It hasn’t been lived in for a while, so if ya’ need help with anythin’ ya let me or Jean know, there are quite a few lads here in the village who would be more than willin’ to help out” Margot said, after seeing the dejected expressions on the family’s faces. “But no’ to worry, it can be fixed up in no time! Now come on!! Lets see the inside!” Margot plastered that pretty smile on her ugly face, dismounted, and walked through the gate with the large stallion’s reigns in her hands.

“ There’s a modest stable in the back, you can put ole’ Pivoine there as well as the wagon.” She threw back at the still shocked family.

Belle got off wagon and led the horse, Pivoine, into the gate to the back of the house. The stables looked just a horrible inside as they did out. And hoped the faithful mare would be crushed if the roof suddenly collapsed. She unhooked the wagon outside of the stable, and led the mare in.

When she exited the stable, she could focus on back of the house. There was a small door on the right side of the back wall, and a garden with weeds growing instead of plants. It was a moderately sized garden; maybe we could plant some flowers, thought Belle.

When she got back to the front, Margot had already let the rest in. unlike the stable, the inside of the cottage was much better than the outside.

Inside was one simple room. The room consisted of a small, but sturdy kitchen on the right side with a hearth on the right wall, in the back there was a stone sink and a small counter with a window behind it that you could see out into the garden and was right by backdoor that led to the garden.On the other side of the door was the stairs, presumably to upstairs bedrooms. On the other side, was a small bench with cushions on them that needed to be replaced, and a small table beside it? In between the sitting room and the stairs was a simple rectangular table with 5 humble chairs around it. Everything was dusted, and cleaned, doubtless from Margot and Jean-Pierre.

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