chapter 3

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hey, so here's the next part. i used some french words, so if you don't know what they mean, or if i got the translation horribly wrong, let me know! if i have any spelling errors also let me know, i do edit every chapter, before, and after i post, but some things do slip though. thanks! enjoy!! like for more!!


Belle hated parties. Detested them really. It was all fake smiles, formal greetings, boring, meaningless conversation, and dim-witted girls scheming to find a good (rich) future husband. And men scheming to find attractive dim-witted future wives.

Belle found this all tremendously exhausting.

She was wearing a new yellow brocade ball gown, with more of her chest uncovered than she was happy with, and she could hardly breathe with how tight her corset was laced. The ball gown had a round wide skirt, with beautiful draping, and the bodice was a low round neckline with ¾ sleeves and 3-inch lace around the end. She liked the simplicity of the gown, even though it was low and constricting.

She went around the room and greeted all those who approached her, using the same dialogue for every person:

" Hello, Mr./miss so and so how are you today? "

"Quite well thank you, how are you?"

"Magnificent thank you! This party is very lively/ invigorating/ fun don't you think?"

"Why yes I do believe your right! Now if you'll excuse me I see my spouse/parent/dear friend over there, goodbye"


And Belle would have this exchange with the some odd 50 people at the party. Wearing the same unfaltering smile.

After an hour after her and her sisters Isabelle and Arielle arrived, the dinner portion of the party commenced. The seating arrangement was an alternating boy and girl. So Belle was seated in-between a sir Jean-Pierre Cassel and a monsieur Andre Roussimoff. Jean-Pierre was an old bachelor in his late 40's. And would always be for his whoring ways. He has ruined a few ladies, and has refused to marry them. Not a catch that any mother would want for her daughter. Andre on the other hand was a large man, no a gigantic man, at least 6 feet tall and 200 pounds. The man could always been seen anywhere in the room. He was also a bachelor, although unlike jean Pierre, he was not a rake nor a Casanova. It was rumored that the man was quite the opposite; his confidence crippled by his sheer size difference from all the women, making him quiet and shy. She had met Andre many times before, and always had a soft spot for the man, although not romantically. He was kind and sweet, but Belle had no more love for him then her favorite book.

She glided to the table and her seat and was greeted by monsieur Andre. She greeted her friend with a small, but real smile. The man blushed and stuttered out a greeting back.

"Bon-bonjour mademoiselle B-Belle. How are you?" he stuttered as he pulled out my chair. I sat down and gave him another smile.

"Bien, Andre, this is a wonderful dinner party, no?"

"Um, yes, um very wonderful!"

The rest of the dinner went on as such, with casual chats and small bites of the dinner. Because Belle's corset was so tight, she could only eat a little, she knew by experience, that if she ate too much food, not only would her stomach hurt by the end of the night, and stares of disapproval from all would be directed at her. Jean-Pierre had ignored her, she had turned him down many times, and after a very long time, he finally got that she did not want to be seduced and ruined by the cad. A subtle but hard kick to the knee had seen to do the trick. Instead, he focused on the dark-haired beauty at his other side. She could tell it was working by the light, airy giggles of laughter coming out of the girls stunning lips. And the debonair smile Jean-Pierre had glued to his face.

However, one conversation did catch her eye. It was monsieur Dumont who started it.

" My wife's sister Carlota says in Spain that there's a drought and Famine. All the crops are dying, from the lack of water. Farmers and lords alike are going bankrupt. It's starting to come into France as well, you better be prepare yourselves. " he explained

"Monsieur, are you mad? We have had plenty rain here in France! We are under no such threat!" exclaimed another gentileman.

"No, its true! Her husband had to sell some land for just pennies an acre just to stay afloat!" Dumont argued.

Belle was concerned. Her father was a merchant and his main income was the crops from the tenants and selling them to other countries. This would mean a huge disadvantage to her father. She kept it in her mind to talk to her father later.

After the dinner was done, and she bid André farewell, she went back to the carriage to go home. Her sisters came into the carriage and kept asking her questions "why do you talk to that André man? He a huge sorried lump of a man, and if weren't for the fact he was a Duc, he would never be at these parties." Her sister Arielle questioned.

"He's a nice man, although quite shy and introverted. And that's a very mean thing to say Arielle! Be kind!" Belle flung back, hurtful that she insulted the man; it's not his fault if he was so massive.

Arielle shook her chestnut haired head and frowned at her younger sister. Arielle always was confused over her sister; any women would never be friends with a man unless it was to marry him. Belle was such a backward girl.

"Oh, sister! Everyone knows it!"

" Yes, but that doesn't mean you must say it!"

Belle turned towards the window and let her sisters chatter about the party. It seemed Isabelle had her sights on a Monsieur Luis. The poor lad she thought to herself.

Once they finally got home did she actually relax. Renee helped her take off her ball gown, and into a simple cotton dress, and finally take off that horrid corset. She went to the other side of the chateau to see her father.

Antoine was a short, portly man with graying strands in his dark brown hair. Ever since the death of wife, he became reserved, only doting on his daughters, especially his youngest, managing his business, he had many ships that would take his crops to different lands, in exchange for exotic spices, pottery, and cloth. He was doing quite well at the moment. three ships just came back from India and China. And he was able to sell the merchandise for a good price. He was going over the details of the deals, when his darling daughter Belle knocked and stepped into the office. She smiled brilliantly and walked in to hug her father tightly.

"Hello father! I haven't seen you in two whole days! I've missed you! How are you doing? Are you eating alright? How is business fairing? " Belle said to her father.

Antoine smiled " always looking out for me aren't you me Belle? Yes everything is going well, don't you worry the business is running splendid. " Antoine smiled. "How was the party? He asked.

"That's actually what I wanted to talk about," said Belle.

Antoine's brown eyes widened " my Belle have you found a suitor? Mon Dieu! Who's the unlucky fellow? What man-"

"Pere! Father!" exclaimed Belle. She giggled. "There is no suitor who has caught my eye, nor have I caught any suitor's eye either. I wanted to talk to you about a conversation I heard during dinner. Some of the men have heard rumors that there's a considerable drought in Spain, and that It will spread here to France, have you heard of such talk?" she asked.

Antoine frowned. "I have heard there was a lack of snow during the winter, but not a drought though, no. Was there anymore details?" he inquired.

Belle shook her head " no, Pere, nothing. Just that many nobility have suffered and that France should be prepared for the same. "

Antoine sighed, "thank you Belle, for this information, I investigate this later. Now, shouldn't you be in bed? Don't think I don't know that you fell asleep in the library last night" He grinned at the blush that crossed Belle's small face. "Go to bed, Cheri, it was wonderful seeing you,"

"Night Pere, je t'amie." She kissed his cheek, and went back to her boudoir. Snuggled safe in her bed, tired from the party, she fell quickly asleep.


kudos to you if you know the joke about Andre. if you know, put a comment on the chapter!

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