chapter 4

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Updated 11-1-16. Good god it needed it!!

Belle was woken up once again by her maid Renee and with her help, she was dressed in a light, pale pink summer dress, for the day was quite warm. today, she decided to go into to town, she hadn't been there this week, and she missed her friends in town. she donned a straw hat to cover her face, borrowed an basket from the cook, as well as a piece of the cook's delicious bread with some butter on top, and headed out the door. She first stopped, of course, at the bookstore.

it was a small store, with small windows and a blue door. Belle opened the door and walked in. John was in the back sorting the shelves.

"hello, John, how are you?" she asked in English.

he turned. "Belle!" he shouted, "my dear! how are you?" the Englishmen greeted Belle, kissing the girl on the cheek.

John was from Liverpool, England. he was an old man, and Belle has known him ever since she can remember. He was a tall man, with a round belly, kind green eyes and a balding gray hair. He visited France while in his early years, and not only fell in love with his wife, but also the country side of France, and decided to stay there, and Marry Marie. John opened up a wonderful, cozy bookshop, and Belle was now one of his regular costumers.

"I'm doing well, thought I would stop by and see if you had any new books, hopefully history, or maybe poetry, I haven't read poetry in a while you wouldn't have any of that would you?" Belle beamed at him, knowing he couldn't refuse her, he never could.

He smiled " I do have some yes... lets see..." the old man went to the back of the store and searched the shelves. I have some William Blake? "

Belle nodded her head and smiled. " Blake please" she said.

John took the book and opened it. " its in English, do you still want it?"

"Of course! One must always practice other languages, correct John?" she asked in almost perfect English.

John smiled, "So clever Belle! well done!" he said, also in English.

Belle blushed. not used to such compliments " Merci, John"

"My pleasure, Belle. Anything else my dear?" he inquired.

"No, John, not today, just this" she reached into the basket and grasped her coin purse, and took two silver pieces out, and handed them to john for the the book. "Thank you!"

"Your welcome dear, have a nice day!" he said.

She swished out of the store, and then decided to go to her next favorite part of town. The orphanage.

It was quite scandalous when she started going when she was 12. she heard about it and decided that some of her old clothes could be donated to it, but instead of sending them with one the servants, she decided to go with. Why should she give her clothes away, and not see what was to happen to them? It seemed like clear logic to Belle. It was a small orphanage, of about only 20 or so children, but they still needed help.  Here, Belle secretly felt most at home, she was not judged on every move she made, every word she said, or what clothes she wore. It was freedom! Freedom of rules, false smiles, and scheming mothers and sons. Belle could be Belle. But such things are frowned upon by the upper-class. It was one thing to make financial donations to the needy, another to actually interact and talk to the lower class! However, Belle never really fit into her station, she was always.. odd. so, when Belle found the orphanage, she found friends, something she never really had before.

She walked up the old renovated chateau. The large house had been transformed many years before, the house had a small, front porch, big windows, and 3 stories. The exterior had a warm yellow paint, red brick, and white shutters.

Before belle could even get to the front porch, a small tow-headed girl burst through the door. "BELLE!!" she screamed. and ran straight to Belle, and hugged her legs. "Belle! you're here! I heard from Luc that heard from Marie, that heard from Henri that were in town! i was so exited to see you I've been waiting by the door! Madame Cosette said I shouldn't, and that I should wait for you to come in but I just couldn't!" the told Belle, the proceeded to hug Belle harder. "I missed you!!" she cried out!" Belle couldn't take it, she laughed. "Lisette, my dear, calm down. it has only been a week!"

Lisette was a small girl of 6 years old. her mother died of typhoid fever about a year after she was born. Her father also contracted it, and survived, but the fever left his brain addled. Two months later he died from a burn he received when he reportedly tried to take a pan off a hot stove. The burn was so severe that he died a month later, from what exactly Belle did not know, nor did she want to find out. So Lisette was brought here and has been here ever since, the owner of the orphanage, Cosette, became a sort of mother to the girl, and Belle a big sister. She was was always the most excited to see Belle, no matter what. Lisette's actions melted Belle's heart.

"I know Belle! But I just love your stories! can you tell another please?!?" Lisette begged.

Belle smiled. "Of course I can, sweetheart, go get the others, will you?" she replied. "yay!" she yelled and ran back inside to tell the others.

Belle laughed to herself and walked inside. Madame Cosette was waiting for her, with a smile on her face! "Ma Belle! how are you doing my dear? caught a man yet?" Cosette asked. Belle smiled. "I'm well Madame, and you know the answer to that question madame. it's the same as always!" Belle replied.

Madame Cosette smiled. "You will find one some day, you're too pretty not to!" Belle blushed at the comment, not used to such things being said to her. "Hopefully later rather than sooner" Belle said, "May i come in? Lisette can't wait for my stories!" she laughed.

"Of course, of course! she might get a temper if I let her wait too long, bless the girl." Cosette replied.

with madame Cosette in front of her, she led her to the old sitting room that somehow had become the place where all the children came to see Belle to tell her stories. All the children were there which always surprised Belle. she never realised how popular her stories were until she started to tell some to the children to help them sleep, soon all wanted her tell of imaginative tales of knights in shining armor, courageous heroines and heroes, hideous monsters and distant lands. All so different yet all captivating as the last.

She sat where she always did, in the chair by the fireplace, with her back facing the absent flames that were present during the winter months with the children of varying ages in front of her. The children sprawled in chairs, laps, blankets, and pillows. She smiled at the children, touched that they had somehow wedged themselves into her heart. "So my dears, what kind of story would like today?" she asked them. then came a whirlwind of answers.
"I want fighting!"
Belle tried but couldn't stop herself from laughing, "OK, OK, quite down, lets see what i can do... now, there once was a handsome prince...."

And so the captivating story started. Closing the children mouths, and opening their minds and ears.


"... And so the prince kissed her upon the lips, and the beautiful maiden woke up from the spell given to her from the the wicked witch, and together they lived happily ever after" she ended. The children entrapped the whole time, all groaned when they heard the end. " That's it? that was too short! One more please belle?" asked Lisette. Belle smiled sadly. "I'm sorry Lisette, but I'm afraid I'm needed elsewhere. but I'll be sure to come back soon, I promise." Lisette hugged Belle, "Promise?" she asked.

"I promise"


Once she got home, her maid Renee pounced on her. "Belle where have you been? We have a party to get ready for and its almost time to go-" "Renee!!!" Belle shouted. "I'm not going to any party tonight, you know I despise those darn things. Please don't make me go!"

The old maid crossed her arms, and sighed. "Fine! become an ole' spinster...."

"Now Renee you know that won't happen!" She hugged her maid, giggling, and went into her room to freshen up.

After washing her face and changing into a more casual dress, she headed to her favorite place in the manor, the library. Where Belle and her new book of poetry were going to have a wonderful evening together.

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