Chapter One: Who is that.

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It was a normal night...but then there was a knock at the door... You were in your room.. You came downstair. You watch from the rails. Your mom opened the door. "Rogers! What are you doing here..." Harley said. "He... needs... medical..... attention..." Rogers?? Is that his name... He had a red,white, and blue suit on. With a blue helmet. I can't really see the face. "Who is he? Henry!!"

"What I am coming!!!" Henry said loudly! "He is... m-my f-friend..." Rogers said. "Ok bring him in..." Harley said. The other guy... he was wearing all black.. plus had weapons on him... His hair went down to his shoulders... he looks hurt... I want to help... They bring him in and set him down on the floor. You went downstairs. "No no no no no Sweetie!" Harley said. "But I want to help!" You said.

"Sweetie! Come on lets go to bed.."

"But I-I don't want to.."

"Come on sweetie!" Your mom followed you back upstairs. You got into bed. "Is he going to be ok..."

"Yes... I hope so..."

"Who was that..."

"I will tell you tommorrow.. Now go to bed.."


"Thank you, now go to bed..." She tucked you into bed."Goodnight sweetie!"

"Goodnight mom!!" Then Harley left. You fell asleep. In the morning you went downstair and went to the kitchen. The man with red,white and blue suit is in the kitchen.. He was wearing a light blue grey shirt.. with some black pants. He looks familiar... The guy in all black is know were to be found..

"Sweetie!! Come here!" Harley said with a grin. You come over to her and sat on her lap. "Y/n I would like you to meet-"

"Captain America!!!" You said while cutting your mom off. So thats where he is from!! He is an avenger!! "Oh you recognize him!!" You nod! "Well this is Steve!"

"Hi!!" You said! "Hi... Are you Y/n!!" Steve replied. "Yes!!"

"Well nice too meet you Y/n!!"

"Nice too meet you too!!" Your dad came out of the living room. Well an extra room. You guys had an room downstair. You go through the kitchen and there is a door.. So you guys used as a living room/playroom. So an extra living room. "Ok so he is still asleep!" Your dad said. "Who is!!" You said loudly! "My friend.." Steve said. "Oh..can I see him."

"Not right now he is asleep."

"Oh ok.."

"Do you know when he would wake up??" Your mom said. "I don't know..."

"Some one needs too keep an eye on him when he wakes up."

"Yeah I agree with Harley! I will look after him for the time being..." Steve said. "Ok that could work!" Harley said. Henry nodded. Then Steve got up and went to the living room. He opened the door and then Steve's friend started to wake up. "He is waking up.." Henry nodded. Steve and Henry both went in.
After a few seconds there was a crash!

"Oh jeez Sweetie! Mommy has to go ok."

"Can I come!!"

"No.. Stay here ok!!"

"Ok..." Your mom left. There was yelling then a gun sound goes off. You run in and see your dad holding a gun and Steve holding the end of it. You see your mom freaked out and the same guy you saw behind her. Then you see a hole in the wall. "Put the gun down..." Steve said.. Your dad looked at you then looked at Steve. "Dear put the gun down!!" Harley said. "There is a child in the room!" Steve said. Harley looked at you. She started to move towrds you. Then she pushed you out of the room and shut the door.

You went back to the bar in the kitchen. You sat there for a few moments before Steve came in. "Hey Y/n!"

"Hey Steve..."

"You seem down...whats wrong."


"Are you sure..." You nod. "Ok... Do know who's in there."

"Your friend??"

"Mhm! His name is Bucky... He is skittish though..."

"What does skittish mean!"

"Someone thats easliy scared."

"Oh.. c-can I see him.."

"Let me check.." Steve left. After a few moments Steve came back out. "You can meet him.. But I have one rule.. Don't be in there alone with him. You either come get me or one of your parents.. Ok." You nod and then went up to Steve. You and Steve went through the door and you saw Bucky.. You got close to him but far enough away so he wont try to hurt you. He was wearing a black t-shirt with long sleeves. Dark blue jeans and gloves.

"Bucky! Bucky!!" Steve said. Then Bucky looked up at Steve. "I want you to meet Y/n!"

"Hi!" He looks at you. You wave then he wave at you. "Now Y/n I will be over here ok." You nod. Bucky looked at you confused. Then Bucky slid down to the floor. So he is sitting on the floor now. "Can I sit!" Bucky nods. You took a few step closer and sat with him. "So! What is your favorite color."

Bucky looked around then looked at his shirt. Then pointed at it. "Black!" You said with a grin. Bucky nodded. "That's a cool color! My favorite color is f/c (favorite color)... Hmmm What is your favorite.... Food!!" Bucky tries to think. Then Bucky shrugs. "You don't have one.." Bucky shakes his head no. "Hmmm mine is f/f. (Favorite food) what is your favorite movie-"

"Y/n me and dad are going to be in the kitchen! Ok!!" Harley said.. You nodded.. Steve came over and sat on the floor with you guys. "So what are you guys talking about!" Steve said. "What our favorite things!!"

"Thats cool!!"

"Yeah! What is your guys favorite movie!!"

"Hmm I don't have one!"

"You don't!!"


"Bucky what about you!!" Bucky shrugs again! "You don't have one!!" Bucky shakes his head no. "Hmmm... My favorite movie is Toy Story!!"

"Really!! What is it?" Steve said.

"Its toys come to life!! I Toy Story toys!!!"


"Yeah!! Can I show you!!"

"Sure!!" You got up and went to the toy box and got some toys. You came back over with an arm full of toys. You set them all down infront of Bucky and Steve. "I have more in my room!" You left the room and went to your room to get more. Steve got up and went to sit on the chair. You came back with more.

"I have more!!"

"Cool!" Then you put them down near Bucky. "This is all." You said. Bucky looks at you then at the toys then looks back at you. He looks like he is scared.... "Can I intro- Introdu-"

"introduce them?" Steve said. You nod. "Can I!!"

"Its up to Bucky." Bucky nods! "Yay!!! So this is Mr and Ms potato and there 3 sons!" You hold them up to show Bucky and then put them to the side. You're introduce them all and you're on the second to the last one. "This is Woody!! He is the rootinist tootinist cowboy around!!" Then you pull the string in the back. "There is a snake in my boot!!" Woody said. Then you put Woody down to the side.

Then you pick Buzz up. "And this is Buzz! He is a space ranger!! Also he talks!!"

"To infinity and beyond!!" Buzz said.

"And he has a lazer!!" You said. You press the button and accidentally pointed at Bucky's face. Bucky through his hands up in fear. He hid his face with his hands. "Y/n watch where you point it.. Ok.." Steve said. You put down Buzz. You looked at Steve then at Bucky. "I'm sorry..." You look at Bucky. "Bucky.... I-I am sorry.." He looks scared.... Is he scared of me...

Words: 1320

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