Chapter Eight: Leaving....

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*8 months later*

Its been 2 years sence you and Bucky have met.... You are 7.... and You and Bucky are the bestest of friends! You and Bucky would play everyday!! You would also play pranks on Steve! Steve would get so angry! It was like having 2 children in the house. But one is a big child! It was so funny!!! Bucky would help you when you got nightmares and you would help him when he got them too...

You guys kept your promise never to leave eachother... and don't forget the bracelet. He wore it everyday, never took it off!! Bucky was the friend you never had.. Those 2 years changed everything....But today is the day that they are leaving... The day that Bucky and Steve are going to live in the compound.... You hated the fact that they were going to leave you especially Bucky...

"Well I guess this is good bye" Steve said.

"Yeah I guess so!" Harley said as she gave Steve a hug good bye. You didn't know they were going to leave today. You came out of your room and went downstairs you see everyone crowed at the door.

"What's going on!" You said as you came over.

"Steve and Bucky leaving!" Your mom said.



"Nooo!!!" You hugged Bucky's leg! "No don't go!!!" You start to tear up. Bucky took you off his leg and kneel down. He gave you proper hug... Like a bear hug. "Please don't go..."

"I'm sorry...but I have to..." Bucky said.


"Doll... It's going to be ok.."

"No it's not....*sniffs*" Bucky let go of the hug. "What about our promise..."

"I will always be here for I want you to have you can remember me..."

"What is it.." Bucky takes off his dog tags and put them on you.

"This... I want you to keep this....ok.." You nod...

"Can I give you something too!"

"Sure..." You run upstair and grab your favorite teddy. You run back downstair and go up to Bucky. "Here take Mr. Teddy... He will help you!"

"Aww thank you doll... I will cherish it forever." You smile! "We have to go Bucky!" Steve said.

"Ok..." Bucky lookes at Steve then at you. "I will be right here." Then he points at your heart. You smile again but still sad.. Bucky got up and waved bye. You all went outside and you see Bucky and Steve get in a fancy car and drive away....

(A/c): Sorry it was short! I think it was a good ending to this chapter... But no this isn't the end of the book! We still have more!!! Wait to find out what happeneds next MWAHAHAHAHA ahh *cough*

Words: 458

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