Chapter Nine: Blood....

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*4 months later*

It's been a while sence Bucky has lived there... You haven't seen him... You wear the necklace everyday! You miss Bucky... Aleast he had time to play with you.... Your parents have been even more busy since they they have no time to play.. You have to play by yourself most of the time... And when I say most of the time I mean all the time... Its hard being the lonely child.... They have been going to work more and more. They would get emergency calls. You were sad...

It was late at night and you hear a bang at the door. You went out of the room and you saw 5 guys bust through the door! Then here the alarm go off. Your mom and dad was downstairs. You hear screaming! You ran downstairs... You see your mom and dad on the floor dying. No one to be found..

"S-Sweetie...." Harley said... You came up to her.. "Yes mommy..." You start to tear up. "I love you! *gasp*"

"I love you too..."


"Y-Yes mom..."

"Its was h-hydra.... but I-I love you.... a-and...I wan't you to be... s-safe.... I love you sweetie... I will see you again...." Then she closed her eyes and stopped breathing...

"I love you too sweetheart.... I will see you again too.." Your dad said... Then he he did the same... Closed his eyes and stop breathing... You hear sirens... You see cops bust through the door guns pointed out... You turn around crying. A cops up to and leads you to the medical truck.... Then you get handed a blanket. You wrap it around you... And sat there... Then 2 cops come up to you. One girl on boy.

"Hello are you Y/n?" The girl said


"I am Chloe and this Dan!"

"Hi!" Dan said.

"I wanted to talk to you about your mom and dad.." Chloe said.. You looked down and a tear drops. Chloe kneels down and you look at her. "Do you know what the bad guy looked liked..." You nodded...

"Can you tell me what he/she looked liked.."

"Well there was 5 guys..."


"I only saw 3.."

"That's ok! Just tell me what you know.." You tell them what they looked liked and she wrote them down... "Ok thank you!" You nod. Just before they left you said something.

"Wait! I have one more thing!"

"Yes!" Chloe said. They turned back around and came back over.

"Before m-my mom d-died.... She said.. "It was Hydra.""

"Do you know what that is!" Dan said.

"I do!" A voice said from afar.. Then Bucky and Steve came out of the dark. "Bucky!!!" You ran over to him. Bucky kneeled down and you hugged him. "Yes I am here!" Bucky said. The cops came over to them. "I am Chloe, and this is Dan!" Bucky got up and picked you up too.

"I am Bucky!" Then shook there hands.

"I'm Steve!" Then shook there hands. "Ok! Well what you can you tell us on Hydra?"

"Well.. Its a private organization no one has ever caught them... Even if people try they die doing it... They turn people into weapons.. But good luck trying to find them." Bucky said.

"Well we will take our chances! So are you guys..."

"Oh no we are friends of Mr and Mrs
L/n." Steve said.

"Ok got it! Well if you have anymore info here is my card!" She gave Bucky a business card. "Thanks.." Bucky said.. "We should have the house get to be cleared by tomorrow. We will call you when were done!"

"Ok thanks!" Steve said. Then the 2 cops walked away.

"You came!!!" Y/n said!!

"Yes I did!!" Bucky said.

"...Now who is going to look after me..."

"Well... ummm I was hoping... That you can live with us!"


"Well since your... You know... Your mom and dad..died... We didn't want you to be alone... So ummm.. I think we need someone fun around the compound don't we Buck!!" Steve said!

"Yeah!! We need a little Y/n around!" Bucky said

"REALLY!! I CAN LIVE WITH YA'LL!!" Steve and Bucky both nodded!! "YAY!! But wait what about my toys..."

"We will get them tomorrow!"

"But..." You trailed off.

"Remember the teddy you gave me!"

"Yeah.. I still have it! You can sleep with that tonight!"



"YAY!!" You guys drove to the compound where you met all the avenger! You guys got there then greeted by all the avengers.

"Who is this." Tony said as he broke the silence.

"This Y/n!" Steve said.

"Y/n L/n! Harley and Henry's kid!"


"Welcome to the compound little one!" Natasha said.

"Wait you brought a kid in to here!" Tony said.

"Yes!" Steve said.


"Y/n helps Bucky! Remember I told you!!"

"Oh ok... Yeah but-"

"I will talk to you later on this! But for now! This is Y/n!"

Everyone said hi. You waved back. You were so happy to be here... But also deep down you were sad... Like really sad...

"Well I am Natasha but you can call me Nat!" Nat came over and kneeled down and shook your hand! Then she got up and went back.

"I'm Wanda!" Wanda said!

"I'm Tony!" Tony said.

"I'm Bruce!" Bruce said. Then everyone started introducing themselves! You were so excited to live with the avengers but sad that you have to leave your home...

"We need a room for this little one!!" Wanda said!

"Indeed we do!!" Nat said! "Why don't you come with us and we will show you around!"

"Uhhhh Nat are you....ok....your never like this..." Tony said. "Unless your plotting something..."

"We need to have some fun around here!!!! It's boring and a kid just might do it!!! Now come on little Y/n let me show you your room!!"

"Ok!!!" Nat put her hand out. You went up to her and took her hand. You looked at Bucky and he nodded. Then you looked at Nat and Wanda then proceeded to walk away and let the other avengers talk!

Nat and Wanda showed you around. Now you are on the floor with the rooms. "This is Steves room, Thor's room! You wont see Thor much tho." Nat said.


"Because he lives in asgard."

"What's that?"

"Its a kingdom!"

"Whoa that is cool!!!"

"Yeah! Oh and look this is your room!" You open the the door and its plain. "Oh...well... You will get to decorated when you get your stuff!

"Ok!! IT LOOKS AMAZING!! Its huge!!!"

"Yeah you like it!! I know its plain..."

"It's fine!"

"Oo we can go shopping tommorow after you get your stuff in!!"


"Me, you, and Wanda!"

"I think it would be fun!!" Wanda said.

"YAY!!" You said!

Word: 1155

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