girl talks pt.2

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A/N: y'all I am so aggravated about that last chapter. Omg, I really don't know why it's not working smh, I'll try restarting my phone maybe that will work Idk, anyway here's part two :)

Misty walked out of her room now in a tank top and sweats only to see five more people in the living room than there were when she got back from her one-on-one rehearsal with Daveed.

"Hey girly," Ariana says to the frozen figure causing the other four girls to turn their heads and follow up with their own greetings.

"Not to be rude," Misty starts walking further into the room. "But what are you guys doing here?"

"Well you can't have a girl's night without the girls," Jon says walking back into the apartment with pizzas in his arms.

"Uhhhhhh ok," Misty says skeptically before dragging the bean bag chair closer to the group of girls and aggressively sitting down. "what pizza did you get Groff?"

"Your favorite of course," he says handing her one box and setting the others down in the middle of the table.

"oh my god, I love you," she says opening the box and immediately digging into the hot food.

"So what actually happened today?" Carleigh asked as she opened one of the other boxes of pizza.

"Yeah, Groff said it was a code red," Jazzy adds as everyone looks at Misty.

"so y'all have a group chat I don't know about?" Misty asks not purposely trying to change the subject.

"Yeah, I'll add you," Groff says before he catches on. "Hey missy," he says sitting up in his spot on the couch. " don't try to change the subject,"

"I didn't do it on purpose," she replies with an eye roll. "it wasn't anything too crazy, we worked through the numbers pretty quickly. We got a little distracted when I tried to teach him the partner part in Helpless because he wouldn't loosen up, it was like we were at a middle school dance or something,"

"Maybe he was nervous to be that close to you," Renee said with a pointed look.

"Daveed? No, not possible, he is so comfortable around me. We literally had a conversation about me biting people today which reminds me," she says turning to Jon. "You need to stop telling people I'm a biter," she says pointing at him now.

"Wait you're a biter?" Ariana asks stopping in her tracks.

"No! Which is why he needs to stop telling people I am," Misty says in a whiny voice turning to face Ariana

"Wait," Jon said ignoring his best friend's statement about biting. "Is that what started... that conversation," he asked causing the girl to nod.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, what conversation? what are we missing?" Carleigh asks looking between Groff and Misty. The two friends are quiet for a moment seemly having a silent conversation before Misty slowly starts speaking.

"I, uh, didn't really have the best childhood," Misty said finally. "and there have been some... fucked up repercussions from that bad childhood, it's not really something I prefer talking about,"

"Hey," Pippa intervenes catching the girl's weary tone. "You don't have to go into detail, we won't be offended," she says causing the other girl to chuckle a little.

"I mean don't get me wrong, I would tell you guys eventually, especially at the rate our friendships are growing, I mean we've only known each other for what a couple of months? yet here we are," Misty says the group nodding in understanding. "I mean Groff is basically my brother and he only knows because he practically lived through it with me. But for some reason when Daveed asked, it all came out, for once it was like I actually wanted to talk to someone about it,"

"How did he react?" Jazzy asks looking at the girl.

"he was... so sweet about it," Misty said letting out a breath. "he didn't interrupt me, or bombard me with apologies like there was something he could have done, and he listened like actively listened to every word coming out of my mouth," the group around her shared looks already telling that this man was in deep. Suddenly Misty's phone buzzed on the table, she reached for it before it was picked up by Groff instead. "Groff what are you doing?"

"looking to see who is so high and mighty, that they can text you during girls' night,"

"Really?" she asks causing Groff to nod his head. "You do realize only the people in this room know that we're having a girl's night tonight," Jon doesn't reply as he checks who sent the message.

"Ooh, it's Daveed," he says looking at the girls around him. Ariana immediately leans over Jon's shoulder to see what the message said, Jazzy and Carleigh lean in wanting Groff to read the message out loud.

"Jeez you guys, nosy enough?" Misty said causing the group to freeze and look at her. "Well? what did he say?"

"Hey, just wanted to let you know that I made it to my apartment safe, no nyc traffic jam wrecks for me tonight! thanks for staying after rehearsal to get me ahead of the game, and for feeling safe enough to open up to me, I'm always here to listen," Groff reads out loud causing a smile to grow on Misty's face. Sending each other a message once they got home had become a habit for them after they almost got hit driving down the busy New York streets. "he also sent a smiley face,"

"What kind of smiley face?" Renee asks leaning over to also see the message.

"The little colon parentheses one that Mist always sends,"

"He used your go-to smiley face?" Renee says looking over at Misty.

"Girl he obviously likes you," Ariana says Jazzy and Pippa agreeing.

"And you obviously like him," Carleigh adds everyone now looking at Misty.

"You should tell him how you feel Mist," Jon says looking at his best friend.

"You really should," Renee adds as the rest of the girls nod their heads.

"Maybe, eventually," Misty says a small smile growing on her face. "Now give me my phone back so I can Reply," she says reaching over to take her phone back from Groff.

"Nope, it's girl's night," Jon replies lifting his arm up and back out of Misty's reach laughing slightly.

"Come on Groff before he thinks I'm dead," She replies leaning farther over the table, the whole group laughing as the girl gives in climbing over the table and tackling her best friend for the phone instead,

A/N: still haven't figured out how to fix the last chapter... But this part is cute so I think it works :) sorry for the updating delay <3 ~M

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