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"You know Taylor Swift?" Carleigh practically shouts after the spoken about makes her leave. 

"Surprise," Misty says with a small shrug and a sheepish smile. 

"All you're going to say is 'surprise'?"


"You missy, " Lin says walking and taking a seat next to Carleigh. "have some explaining to do," 

"is there a reason it can't wait until tomorrow?" Misty asks leaning against Daveed's chest. 

"she has a good point, I'm sure Oak would want to hear the story," Daveed says backing Misty up. 

"Thank you," she says quietly over her shoulder. 

"I'm here and listening," Oak says from a chair in a dark corner. Misty sighs closing her eyes. 

"I'm sorry I tried," Daveed says quietly placing his head on her shoulder. 

"It's ok," the girl replies opening her eyes again. "So it happened a couple of days ago," Misty starts immediately gaining the attention of the entire cast. "And before I continue nobody can yell 'cause Oak still has a migraine so keep it quiet," Misty says pointing a finger at the rest of the cast, who all nod their head in agreement. "So a couple of days ago I woke up to a couple of messages, one was from Taylor asking if I wanted to work on a project with her, and then we went out to lunch so she could tell me the details of said project and then I said yes," Misty says rather quickly. She sees Carleigh's eyes grow wide with excitement. 

"what were the other messages?" Thayne asks. 

"Whoa, nosy much?" Misty asks, looking at him. 

Thayne lifts his hands in surrender, " Groff said something about two messages, it's not my fault," 

"Groff," Misty groans turning to look at her best friend. 

"I'm sorry," he says sucking in a breath, "I'm just really excited for you," Misty shakes her head at her friend before turning back to the rest of the group. 

"A record company also sent me a message, they want to set up a meeting with me and potentially have me sign with them and record a single and maybe an album," Misty says. She sees the group jump up in excitement before she stops them. "don't," she says pointing over to Oak who despite his pain was trying to celebrate. The group proceeds to silently celebrate sending Misty tons of congratulations and giving her a lot of questions. Misty smiled at her friends happy that they supported her so. 


Misty sighed as she walked through the doorway of her apartment Groff in front of her, Daveed behind her. "I love those people, I do, but they ask so many questions," she says placing her bag down and taking off her shoes. 

"I'm really sorry Misty," Groff says with a sheepish smile. "I really didn't mean to spill anything, the comment just came out," 

"You're fine Groff," Misty says with a small smile. "I know you have a big mouth,"

"Hey," Her best friend says giving her a look. Misty just smiles in reply causing Groff to roll his eyes. "Do you two want to watch a movie?" Misty looks at Daveed who shrugs his shoulder. 

"Sure," Misty says before getting an idea. "But we get to pick," She says before grabbing Daveed's hand and dragging him to the couch, grabbing the remote on her way.  


The credits for the movie roll as Groff and Daveed share a small conversation. Misty had fallen asleep three-quarters of the way into the movie successfully using Daveed as a pillow. 

"You really mean a lot to her,"  Groff says quietly as he looks at his sleeping best friend. "I've never seen her this way with anyone," 

"She means a lot to me too," Daveed says looking down at the girl gently brushing a piece of her hair out of her face. 

"Don't break her," Groff says almost silently looking at Daveed. 

"I would never, never on purpose," he says looking back. "I, I think I love her," 

Groff nods his head looking at his friend. "Just, make sure you know, before you tell her," Daveed nods in agreement looking back at the girl lying on his shoulder. "We should get her to bed,"

"yeah," Daveed agrees.

"You got her?" Groff asks standing up. 

"Yeah I got her," Daveed says giving Groff a nod as he walks away to his room.  Carefully Daveed gets up Misty in his arms slowly walking to her room. He lets out a sigh after setting her gently in her bed. Watching her as he peacefully slept he came to a conclusion. A full honest conclusion. "I love you," He says quietly placing a kiss on her forehead before he walks around the bed getting in next to her. 

A/N: Don't ask me how I pulled this off two weeks in a row lol. I think I'm going to start speeding this one up, because there are a lot of plot points I have in my brain and I really really want to get to them. SO we is going to get going and its gonna be a gand ole time!! Let me know how you like it, i love reading your comments!! Have a wonderful magical day/night!!


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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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