penis tree

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Richie: Penis tree

( a/n : That's a pic of a tree in front of my uncle's house 💀 )

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( a/n : That's a pic of a tree in front of my uncle's house 💀 )

MadMax: HUH 😀

WilltheWise: Why is it so big?


Richie: LMFAO 😭😭😭

Eddie: Me when I see Richie

Eddie has deleted a message!

Stan: AYOOOO⁉️⁉️⁉️

FreakMunson: I do the same when I see Steve

FreakMunson has deleted a message!

DustyBuns: DAD

FreakMunson: I'M SORRY 😕😕

girlinredfan: Not very metal of you 😔🖤🥀

FreakMunson: Shut up

BikeWheeler: Y'all are so weird , especially you Richie

Richie: Excuse me? You really be saying that after last night.

DustyBuns: HUH

Richie: I caught his ass jerking off over Will

BikeWheeler: BULLSHIT

Richie: You lying is bullshit

BikeWheeler: Fuck you , bastard.

Richie: Fuck Will instead

LucasSinclair: I just got on 💀

AmERICA 🇺🇲: How was your makeup appointment?

LucasSinclair: shut up

DustyBuns: Wdym

AmERICA 🇺🇲: I forced him to play dolls with me while putting him makeup.

girlinredfan: I thought you didn't like playing with toys

AmERICA 🇺🇲: I do , I just do it when I'm bored and when I feel like torturing little shits ☺️

DustyBuns: Slay

AmERICA 🇺🇲: Why thank you.

Bill: Can I tell you guys something?

Richie: What?

Bill: I'm bi

Eddie: No shit

Bev: We know

Richie: Bro's pointing out the obvious

Bev: I bet he likes Stan

Bill: Y'all are mean 😕

Richie: Yes dumbass, we're your besties for a reason.

WilltheWise: Y'all, I'm having a gay party in honor of Bill for coming out. My mom and dad being the supportive parents they are will be hosting the party.

girlinredfan: Can me , Steve , Nancy , Eddie , Jonathan, and Argyle come?

WilltheWise: Obviously.

SurferBoy: Alright brochachos, I'm going to make my signature pineapple pizza. Try before you deny homies 😎

VecnaDaddy: Penny , want to ruin the party?

Pennywiseslaysfr: Yes

WilltheWise: Too late , I got the holy water.

VecnaDaddy: Aren't y'all gay? I thought Christianity was against LGBTQIA+.

WilltheWise: Well, the author is a lesbian and a Christian and possibly a demigirl so we dgaf.

VecnaDaddy: Ok then

Richie: Penis tree

Richie: Penis tree

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Yeah that's it. Also penis tree.

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