The End

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Her heart was broken, not like when it drops to the ground and shatters; it was being torn out. And for the first time in her life, she couldn't understand what was happening to her. Lika a strange sensation of being there but still not really. Her vision was becoming increasingly blurry from all the tears, and the walk across the motel room turned more and more into a challenge. Her phone rang again, but she couldn't bring herself to answer; ignore it, she told herself, as the loud noise aggravated her headache. Instead, she grabbed the lighter next to it and stumbled back to the bathroom, tears streaming down her cheeks as silents sobbing sounds were leaving her mouth. She leant against the shower and sank to the floor. What was happening? Her hands were going down her face, and for a split second, all she could do was sit there. It was over. It was all over. With trembling hands, she picked up another photo from the floor and looked at it. Her chest tightened and she had to gasp for air. How could it possibly hurt this much? She knew that it would pass, but when would that be? In a day? A week? She couldn't go on like this for years. The pain tore her apart from the inside out, her heart bleeding with each memory. The pain was so intense, as if it was actually going to break her. Any moment now. She thought. And I'll be gone.

8 months earlier

She had to fight herself to stay awake as she continued for another mile in the pitch-dark night as her vision was getting blurrier with every turn. The last few months had been crammed with school, homework and tests as she eagerly had waited for the holidays. Her hands were in a firm grip around the steering wheel as a thought suddenly flashed through her mind. Did she pack her charger? Normally it wouldn't bother her, but the tirednesses seemed to amplify all her feelings as her heart began beating faster. She tried to reaching into the back seat to feel if it was there. Her hands were her hands rummaged around in the bag she placed behind her in the backseat. What was she feeling? Her books, pens, and a bottle. In her last desperation, she turned back to reach further, and then she felt it. The hard plastic edges scratched her skin. In relief, she exhaled. But before she had time to turn back the loudest honk she had ever heard burst through the air. In a matter of seconds, she dropped the charger and turned her attention back to the street. A big truck was heading right towards her and she steered the car in the opposite direction, missing the truck only by inches but almost driving into the ditch on the other side. When she was driving straight in her line again she knew it was time to take a break, and that was soon.


She walked down the empty isle in the gas station, trying to find some gum as it was suppose to help with staying awake. The only problem was that there were too many different types that her tired and undeceived mind had to choose between. As she was staring at all her choices, the doorbell rang, notifying that another customer had entered the store. Without paying much attention to that, she finally settled for a package of extra strong spearmint and headed towards the checkout. Drowsily, she paid for her gum and opened it as soon as she walked out the doors. The cool night air did her well as she took a deep breather. Above her she could see the stars shining brings in the late night sky. It was so peaceful that she almost didn't want to leave. Another deep breath of cold air made it down her nose, but there was also something else it in. It wasn't as clean or fresh as her last one. She could smell something, it was smoke. She looked to her right and there she saw him. At the corner of the small building stood a guy, he had lit a cigaret and was exhaling the smoke like small clouds making their way towards the sky. Slightly annoyed with him she sighed before going back to her car. Only a couple more miles until her cozy bed would welcome her home. 


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L Johansson

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