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Although she was well aware that her parents would not intervene with her brother's issues, it didn't stop her from trying. When they weren't at home, she snuck back into their office, searching through the boxes with insurance papers. She pulled out a copy and began skimming through the pages, hoping to find something that could get her brother the help he needed. Disappointedly, she realized there was nothing on rehab for drug abuse and closed the file. The last drop of hope left her body, and she wanted to cry. The date on the front page showed it had been printed out years before, and a hopeful thought hit her. What if the terms had been updated? She threw herself over her computer and signed into their account with the information on the papper. Quickly, she found a digital version with even more pages, and she did a quick search in the document before realizing that there was still nothing there that could help her. Again, she picked up the printed papers and hoped she had missed something. She needed to talk to somebody, and right now she only had one person to talk to. After a few signals, he answered.

- Hi, this is Valerie.

She said it quickly, without any polite greetings.

- Val? How did you get my number?

Corey sounded surprised to hear her.

- The internet.

Wasn't that obvious? Maybe he didn't spend much time on his phone.

- I was looking through my family's insurance, and there is nothing on it to pay for rehab. Shouldn't that be something that had to be in her? I mean, 25% of teenagers drink and 10% do drugs, so that much means that there must be at least some addicts that need help. Right?

There was a long silence.

- Have you checked if you have any other insurance?

He eventually asked.

- I checked. I only found this one.

She hopelessly sat down on her bed and sighed heavily. Why would they have extras? It wasn't like they were putting their lives in danger or doing crazy things. Suddenly it hit her.

- Football.

Her brother was the captain of his school football team.

- What?

Corey asked, not following along.

- My brother plays football for his college; maybe they have extended insurance.

Still with him on the phone, she hurried to her brother's room and dug through his things before finding them. She turned on the speaker and put it down on the floor, freeing her hands to flip through the pages. At the end, she found something.

If the student experiences any physical or psychological difficulties due to the sport, the costs will be covered by the schools insurance company.

- Oh, my God.

There it was.

- What?

His voice reminded her that he was still on the line.

- I found it.

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