Hidden Secrets

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She turned to face her brother as they sat in silence, driving back home. His gaze was focused on something in the distance, which she couldn't see. She wasn't sure what to say to him. Tell him to stop. He was addicted. Explain how much trouble she would be in if their parents found out about this. He already knew. There was nothing to say. He already knew it all.

That night, she lay awake, turning around in her bed, unable to find a comfortable position. What would her parents say when they saw him? It wouldn't go unnoticed that he had been in a fight or some sort of accident. If they saw him, they would know that he had been out and that she hadn't looked after him as she had promised. Suddenly, an idea struck her like lightning. If they didn't find out about what had happened, neither of them would get into trouble. She was tired of spending all her free time looking after him and wondering why, when, and what would happen next. There were too many unanswered questions circulating in her mind, taking up space she didn't have and ruining her nights by forcing her to be awake. As she had decided to follow her plan, she was slowly swept into the world of sleep. Tomorrow, she would make everything right.

The following morning, the alarm woke her up early, and even though she was still a little dozy from her sleepless night, she dragged herself out of bed so that they could get ready for the day.

Although it wasn't a particularly stressful morning, she was ready for it to be over. Normally, she would have been stressed out by now, panicking and not being able to think clearly at this point. But given the chaotic circus she had lived through since arriving, it seemed as though she had run out of adrenalin. Quietly, she made her way towards her brother's bedroom and opened the door. He was sleeping soundlessly in his bed, looking like the kind and innocent brother she had always known. But at that point, she knew that wasn't him any more. The brother she knew would never return

- "Vin, time to wake up".

She was surprised by how calm her voice was. What was happening to her? She was almost taking this as easy as he was, although he would get into far more trouble than she would if their parents found out. When he didn't move, she repeated herself again, this time louder. Eventually, life seemed to have returned to him, and he covered his face with a pillow lying next to him.

- "We need to leave before they wake up".

Her plan was simple and doable. He sat up, looking at her, allowing her to see his wounds. She repeated for herself that it looked worse than it was, as that was what the doctor had said.

- "Get dressed and wear something that covers up your bruises".

While waiting for him to get ready, she repeated the plan again. They would leave before their parents woke up and return home after they had gone to bed. In that way, they would be able to avoid them until everything had calmed down. Once more, she was forced to defend him so that neither of them would end up in even more trouble. When he finally walked down the stairs, she was already standing by the door, waiting on him. He was wearing a pair of black sportshorts with a gray hoodie, shielding his face with the hood.

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