The Hospital visit

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The following nights, she thought about staying at home with her family, but it didn't seem likely after her parents were invited to a party at their friends' house and she had other plans. Together with her friends, she had spent the last couple days planning the party, and they decided to throw it that evening.

- "All right, Val, we're leaving." Her mother yelled as they were about to step out the door.

- "Goodbye", she answered while moving toward them to wave farewell. Her mother approached her, tucked her hair behind her ears, and smiled as if she were remembering something. Maybe as a throwback to when they were kids and there was no real trouble concerning their family, like nothing had happened, her mother backed off before turning serious again.

- "Please look after your brother, just in case something happens tonight".

Without answering, she watched them leave. If they believed that he needed a nanny, why didn't they get him one? She closed the door behind them and walked towards the kitchen. Since her brother had already left, he was no longer her responsibility. From the fridge, she took out leftovers to reheat in the microwave. Then she sat down by herself to eat dinner.

When she arrived, the party had already begun, and her friend's house was crowded with people, many of whom she recognized from high school and some of whom she had never seen before.

- "Val, you made it," said Stacy as she approached to give her a hug. She grasped her hand and couldn't contain her voice. "Oh my god, what happened to your hand?" looking at the bandage before fixing her eyes back on her again. In her hurry, she forgot to cover it up and only realized it in her car on her way there.

- "Nothing; it just got caught in a closing door." Stacy, who had obviously already had a few drinks, didn't ask any more questions and instead started dragging her inside.

- "Let's find the others." Stacy yelled back to her as she was being dragged through the loud crowd.

They sat in the back of the room with empty glasses and a half-full beer bottle on the table in front of them, revealing they had been there for a while.

"You made it", Emma cried aloud, as she often did after drinking. "I will get us more drinks, and then we can get started", she said and hurried away.

They talked for the next several hours while watching the dancing folks crammed onto the dance floor. As she sat there slightly absent-minded, sipping from her plastic cup, her thoughts kept returning to Vinson, her parents, her wrist, and the sound of the glass breaking as it reached the bottom of the sink.

- "Should we take a shot?", Mia suggested as the others cheered on eagerly. She set down the glasses on the table and pulled out a bottle. They huddled close to the table as the drink was poured into the glasses. She had almost forgotten how much they used to drink. At least at her college, the purpose of parties was mostly for socializing rather than drinking, and at this point she would have felt like she'd had enough to drink.

When she saw the overflowing glasses and her waisted friends, the alcohol on the table suddenly sickened her. This wasn't fun anymore. After seeing what her brother was going through, she knew she didn't want it. She quickly rose up, feeling sick from the strong scent coming from the bottle. She was standing there unsteadily as the others looked at her in surprise. As soon as she stood up, she could feel that even the small amount of alcohol in her glass had gone straight to her head.

- "I need to get something from my car.", She had to get out.

- "No", Mia complained behind her as she dragged out the word, making it longer than necessary. "Don't be boring; come on!" she yelled. Even though some of the other people were giggling at the comment, she continued walking.

- "Be back soon, or we'll start without you". Stacy called back. The way back through the mass seemed longer than she remembered. She was suffocating from the bodies that were squeezing her, feet stepping on her, and drinks being spilled all over the floor.

It wasn't as it used to be any more. It had been less than a year, and she had already grown away from it. She didn't even need to see what it did to people to find it repellent. As though she couldn't breathe inside that house, she burst through the door, hurrying towards her car. Through the window, she grabbed the pack of cigarettes and a lighter lying on the passenger seat. Smoking was certainly no better than drinking, but at least it didn't turn her into an asshole. She leaned against the back of the car and inhaled calmness. Even though she had never smoked this much in her life, the recent stressful events made it feel like the only thing relaxing her. As she stood there, breathing out the smoke and letting out a cough, she decided to check her phone. Her parents had sent her a text saying they wouldn't return until the next day. She ignored it, not even surprised by it. Since all the discussions at home had become more intense, they had started to stay away as much as possible, perhaps out of fear for what they would see. Or not knowing what to do. She continued to scroll through some emails and news until her phone started buzzing and an unfamiliar number popped up on her screen. Something wasn't right, and she could feel that it had something to do with her brother. As quickly as she could, she answered, almost dropping her phone. Come quickly! echoed through her head as she drove towards the hospital, aware that she was speeding through every street. They hadn't said too much, only that it was an emergency. She had left without saying good-bye, but she doubted that they even noticed that she wasn't there anymore.

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