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The sun was shinning through the curtains, lightening up her peaceful room. Outside the street, which was usually filled with moving cars, was still. It was as if not a soul was leaving their home that Sunday morning.

- "Val", her mother's voice echoed through the house, "breakfast".

The call forcibly woke her up from her voluntary dwell as she began moving in her bed. Why couldn't they just let her sleep in? What if she didn't get up? She thought, but soon dismissed the idea, if she wasn't up within the next few seconds it wouldn't take long until they would start shouting again. Still sleepy, she sat up and fumbled for her phone as she dragged her other palm over her face. The screen lit up revealing the unread messenger's she had received while sleeping. Slowly, she forced herself out of bed and only managed to take a few short steps before stumbling over a bag. She managed to catch on to the door frame and quietly swore under her racing breath. Last night, after arriving, she had gone straight to her bed, leaving all her belongings spread over the floor. As her heart rate was returning to normal she continued her way towards the kitchen were she could see her parents preparing breakfast as they used to every weekend. 

- "Good morning, sunshine". Her father said over his shoulder as he stood frying pancakes, "Did you sleep well? ".

She shrugged her shoulders, well aware that he couldn't see it, but really too tired to care. Instead she grabbed a grape out of a bowl while watching her mother chop strawberries.

- "Instead of finishing the entire breakfast here, you could help set the table". 

She had barely swallowed the grape when her mother thrust a bowl of fruit into her arms. She took another one, only to annoy her mother, before leaving for the dining room. When she put down the bowl, she noticed an extra plate set out on the table.

- "Who is coming over?".  She asked as she sat down on her seat, looking at her mother who was joining her. 

- "Oh, you remember Jack, your brother's friend? It was Jack? Right honey!".  Her mother yelled to her father, to check that she had the right name. 

- "That's right". He replied as he walked in, and she continued.

- "Well anyways, he is coming over; he and your brother been spending the last few days together while you weren't here."

When her brother and his friend entered, they had already begun serving themselves breakfast.

- "Good morning Jack". Her parents greeted him while her brother walked towards her and sat down on the seat next to her. 

- "You're looking terrible as usual". He acknowledged her with a sarcastic tone as she was still wearing her pyjamas and hadn't even looked in the mirror to see how her hair was doing. 

- "Shut up". She hissed back.

- "Language". Her mother said, turning to them and then back to their guest.

- "Welcome, Jack, have a seat". She said as she gestured to their chairs, "so what have you guys been up to?". 

Her brother and his friend began chatting with their parents while she almost fell asleep and would have if it weren't for her mother interrupting it.

- "And how about you, Val.?". Her mother asked, as she refocused her attention back on reality.

- "Hm, what? ". Suddenly feeling alert as all eyes were on her. 

- "What will the rest of your semester look like? The boys will apparently spend quite some time up here."

- "Well, I think that I will return again pretty soon. There are fewer classes this semester but more writing assignments. Then there's obvi a lot of preparation for the study trip this summer".

Her mother was now looking at her with a confused expression on her face.

- "Well, that sounded promising, I think. Not that I know what "obvi" means".

- "Mom, everyone knows that", her brother started, but before he could finish, she cut him off to explain.

- "It's obvious".

- "No, it is not obvious. I am not the same age as you guys. You can't use that terminology and expect us to understand".

She sighed in disbelief as she once again dragged her hands across her still sleepy face.

- "No, it means obviously. The word "obvi" means "obviously".

Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Jack smile, lifting one side of his mouth. Or maybe he didn't. Maybe he was only wondering where the heck he had landed. 

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