Val's Perspective

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When she told him that the reason she was helping him wasn't entirely selfless, she could see the shift in his expression. The change was subtle, almost unnoticeable, but not for her. He was clearly hurt by her words, and instead of saying anything, he gazed out the window. But she was done sacrificing things without getting anything out of it. His sport, his team, and his life had always been the center of her entire existence. Everyone, including their parents, had easily skipped her practices and competitions to watch him. Celebrate his victories instead of hers. Talking about him to their friends and not about her. When she graduated with honors and got a sports scholarship to college, she barely got a congratulatory note. When he had done the same thing only a year before, they had thrown a party. Those things had hurt, and worst of all, she didn't even think their parents realized how differently they were treating them. It hurt even more knowing that not even her own brother had noticed. He never realized how she was being treated since he was so used to all the attention.

What do you think? Who is right? Should Vin see things more out of Val's perspective, or the other way around?

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