The Stranger from Before

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The days went on and they were all acting like nothing had happened. Her parents didn't say anything, so she didn't either attempt to bring it up. Every morning she woke up she had an unusual feeling of suffocating in the house. She lay awake, staring up at the roof, trying to figure out what was going on. One day she was returning home to her normal family, and the next she was living in a house full of people she didn't know, one of whom was a drug addict, and the others did nothing about it. With all her willpower, she eventually got up, grabbed a jacket, and took a pack of cigarettes she had bought in college. She rarely smoke, but this was one of the times she felt like she had to. Although she didn't like smoking, it was a distraction from what was going on. As quietly as she could, she sneaked down the stairs to go outside.

- "Val, is that you?". She heard her mother whispering from the kitchen and turned around to face her, seeing that she was already in the kitchen preparing breakfast. In surprise of seeing her up that early she couldn't help wonder why. 

- "What are you doing?". She said in a surprised tone as she hid the cigaret package in her pocket.

- "Well I couldn't sleep so I thought I would start making breakfast, but then I realized we had run out of milk so your father took a quick run to the store. He will be back any minute". 

Her mother sounded exhausted as she put her palm over her sweaty forehead, indicating that she too had a lot on her mind. Maybe her parents did care after all. They just didn't know what to do. She nodded quietly and began turning towards the door.

- "I thought I would go for a quick walk. I will be back soon".

Before waiting on a respond she walked out the door and continued down the street before taking a turn at the corner. She had to be far away from where her parents could see her. The air was light and she took deep breaths as the student counselor had taught them during their seminars in handling stress. As soon as she had walked into her brothers room the idea of a peaceful break flew out the window. While her mind was wondering off her feet continued to carry her further away. It was still too early for anyone else to be out, so she walked alone under the dusty blue sky. The cool air swept through her hair waking her up with its freshness. She turned around another corner and was so tangled in her own thoughts that she didn't notice the guy that she almost ran into. She was only inches away from him when she abruptly stopped. Immediately she recognized him. He was the guy from the gas station.


They sat together on the stones placed alongside the road, looking at the view while the sun was rising. Despite not knowing him his quietness radiated a scent of trust. He was in her age, maybe a little older and most importantly he listened. The secrets were killing her and she couldn't take it any more. With all the other things going on in her life it had gotten too much. If she didn't talk with anyone about it soon, she didn't know what she would do. 

- "But why would he do it?". She asked more to herself  than him, there was no good answer to it.

- "A lot of people smoke in college", he answered knowing it wasn't what she wanted to hear. 

- "I know". She calmly puffed out some smoke, looking over at him.

- "But not drugs"

- "Well, nicotine is a drug". She couldn't help but lifting one corder of her mouth at his comment. He stayed silent for a while before continuing. 

- "I guess some do it to fit in, to be cool, or to escape reality. I mean you sitt her telling a stranger about your family issues because you don't know how to handle them. He is probably doing the same, only he has no-one to talk to"

Although what he said was probably true, she didn't want to hear it. She still wanted to believe that he felt like he could talk to her, tell her everything like he used to do. It was weird telling a stranger about her brother's secret, and she felt like it was time to change the subject. From the side she looked up at him, while he puffed out smoke. 

- "I don't think I have seen you here before. When did you move here?"

- "Recently". She waited on him to continue but when he didn't she continued as her hands were starting trembling. 

-  "Why did you move here? Did you live her before, or have family here?"

- "My parents just thought it was time to move". While the words left his mouth he didn't even look at her. His reluctantness to tell her anything made the adrenalin shot through her body as she realized what she might have done. What if she had exposed her brother to somebody he knew.

- "Do you know Vinson?".

Still without looking at her, he answered.

- "Not really".

She stood up so fast she thought she might pass out. What had she done. 

- "I think I have to go". 

Before returning home, she put the cigarette out and threw it away. When she saw all the cars being parked in the driveway revealing that everyone was home, she couldn't help but think that it was going to be a long day.

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