○ Chapter 03 ○

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"Maverick," Lauren started, smiling sadly as the two hugged. It was the day of the funeral, the day they fully said goodbye to their Rooster. "I'm glad you could make it."

"I wouldn't miss this," Pete smiled sadly, accepting Autumn as her mother handed her over, placing his cap on her head until they had to go out there and salute the fallen soldier. Standing with the grieving mother and now widow, Pete nodded towards his team. "They wouldn't miss this either." Lauren turned to the team who stood a bit away from the trio, Mickey sending the grieving widow a small wave.

"Bradley used to speak of them a lot," she murmured, eyes downcast as the church doors opened, the funeral goers entering. Pete, much to Autumn's disdain, took his hat back and placed it atop his head securely, keeping a hold of the four-month-old baby. Taking a seat in the pews closest to the coffin with his team sat behind them, Pete couldn't help but blink rapidly as the tears threatened to fall already. Penny, who was sat to his right, noticed, and took a hold of his hand that Autumn wasn't messing around with. Sending a smile to his girlfriend, Pete refocused his attention on the coffin at the front. Once everyone was seated, the vicar began.

"We are gathered here to say farewell to Bradley and to commit him into the hands of God," he spoke, voice echoing in the silent chapel. "In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Those of us who have known soldiers or been soldiers ourselves can understand how they can be such holy men. They are dedicated to serving others. They are willing to set aside their own plans for the future to protect the freedoms of their country. They have a strong sense of duty toward the weak and vulnerable. They come face-to-face with all types of horrors and yet continue to believe that the world is good. But most importantly, like Jesus, they are willing to lay down their lives for their sisters and brothers." As he paused, a single sob could be heard from Lauren as she turned to Pete, hiding her face in his shoulder. "Lord our God, you are the source of life. In you we live ad move and have our being. Keep us in life and death in your love, and, by your grace, lead us to your kingdom. Through your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord."

"Amen," the congregation said. Pete allowed a few tears to fall as the coffin was risen and taken to the cemetery, the congregation following with Lauren, Pete, and Autumn at the front, Pete's team behind the trio, Penny and Amelia behind them and the rest of the congregation following behind.

Once they made it to the sight of burial, the victor turned to them once more. "Receive the Lord's blessing. The Lord bless you and watch over you. The Lord make his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you. The Lord look kindly on you and give you peace; In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."

"Amen," the congregation uttered, a sense of solemness overtaking everyone. Pete moved forward on shaky legs, placing the wings of the pilot on top of the grave before slamming it down, head rising to salute the picture of his nephew as guns fired and jets flew over, one of them rising up instead of going forward with the others, signifying that Bradley was on his way to get his own wings. Stepping back, it was Lauren's turn to step forward as the coffin was lowered, letting a white lily fall onto the coffin. Pete did the same, as did his team.

Once everyone had said their farewells, the victor began to say the final prayer as he stood next to the freshly covered grave. "Give him, o Lord, your peace and let your eternal light shine upon him."

"Amen," uttered the congregation for the final time.

"Let us go in the peace of the Lord," the victor headed towards the church, the congregation following except for Pete Mitchell and Lauren and Autumn Bradshaw.

"He's in a better place now," Pete whispered into the silence, Autumn on his hip as she looked down at the grave. Lauren stayed silent, only letting out the occasional sniffle. "I promise you, Lauren, I will not let him be kept to a memory. I'll make sure he has a legacy, that's a promise."

Lauren glanced at her daughter in Pete's arms, noticing how the pilot had taken off his hat and placed it on the four-month-old baby's head, smiling down at her as he fought back tears. With a start she realised that she couldn't look at Autumn without seeing Bradley, couldn't speak to Autumn without hearing Bradley's voice. It wasn't looking good for her. She wasn't fit to mother her child anymore; it was as simple as that. Whenever she looked at her child, her daughter, she could only see Bradley, hear Bradley, feel Bradley. It wouldn't be right to treat Autumn in such a dreadful way, constantly comparing her to her deceased father or making her feel as though she weren't loved by her mother. She was extremely loved, her mother adored her to death, but it's the fact that she can't see Autumn for Autumn. All she sees Autumn for is Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw which isn't fair to the little blonde girl.

"Maverick..." she began, faltering slightly before finding the courage to go on with her words. "I... I can't look after her anymore. Please... Please, take care of her." With that, Lauren headed inside the church, not daring to look back as her sobs raked her body, shoulders tremoring.

Pete's heart ached for Lauren, but it ached more for Autumn who seemed confused on the entire situation. Looks like it's just you and me, kiddo. And the others on the team. Holding the little girl slightly tighter as he kneeled down, placing the girl between his knees, head bowed, Captain Pete Mitchell finally allowed tears to spill from his eyes as he felt his heart ached for the loss of his best friend, the loss of his nephew, and Autumn's loss of a mother.

Looking down at the girl between his knees, he couldn't help but give her a small watery smile. "You and me, kiddo," he whispered, shoulders beginning to shake as he tried to fight back the tears. "You and me."

From the entrance of the cemetery, Penny, Natasha, Jake, Mickey, Reuben, Bob and Javy all watched as the man cried, grieving the loss of his nephew. They all knew he needed time, which they were willing to give him, but it was the question of whether the admiral would give him the time he needed to recover. For all of them to recover.

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