○ Chapter 15 ○

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TW: School shooting

Returning back to the house with the team, Pete was quick to head up to Autumn's room at the end of the hall, opposite Natasha's, and gently lay her down in the bed after changing her into her pyjamas. "Get some sleep, kid," he murmured, kissing the top of her head before heading back downstairs, not before making sure a window was open and a nightlight was on for her.

Once downstairs, he collapsed into one of the armchairs with a huff before turning to his team. "Are you guys staying the night?" They all nodded, exhausted from the day's events. "Alright. You know where your rooms are, I'm heading to bed. Good night." Murmurs of 'good night', 'night' and 'sleep well's were heard in the room as Pete headed upstairs and into his and Sandra's bedroom. Getting changed into a plain white t-shirt and a pair of grey pyjama shorts, he sat on the edge of the bed and pulled out the slightly crinkled letter Admiral Solomon "Warlock" Bates had given him after Bradley's death.

As his fingers traced the writing on the sheet as he read, he couldn't help the tears that threatened to fall. This was his nephew, this was the boy he helped Carole in raising after his best friend's death, and yet he had failed. Looking at the letter properly, he couldn't help but read it again.

Dear Uncle Mav,

I had a feeling I wasn't gonna be coming back from this mission. If you're reading this, then it means I was right to give these to admiral Warlock. I don't know when he's gonna give these to you, but with this letter are ones for every milestone Autumn might make in her life, like when she starts and finishes elementary, middle, and high school.

I know my death might be hard on you, like you've failed my dad, but you didn't. My death would never have been your fault, Maverick, so don't you dare feel like it was. As I'm writing this, I kind of get why you pulled my papers all those years ago. You were right, I wasn't ready. Heck, I'm not ready for this mission, knowing the feeling I have. I just... I wanted to be able to say goodbye, especially to you since, ya know, you're my uncle.

Promise me one thing, Mav? Protect Autumn with your life. If she wants to become a pilot, let her. None of us can stop her, and although I might have asked you to pull her papers from applying to Top Gun, I would understand if she was mad at me for doing something like that. Autumn deserves a chance to spread her wings.

Another thing before I forget, could you possibly ask Autumn, when she's old enough obviously, whether she wants to take my name or your name? I just... I feel like the 'Bradshaw' name is cursed, ya know? I don't want her tied down to my dad's legacy or my legacy, so could you just ask her? Thanks, Maverick.

Anyway, I'll see you when I see you. Just don't do anything stupid like I know you'll do.

Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw

God, Roost, I miss you, Pete thought as he placed the letter back on his nightstand and laid down, closing his eyes as his mind wandered. I miss Goose too... and Carole... I won't fuck this up, I promise you. All of you. Allowing his mind to wander a little bit more, Pete Mitchell finally fell into a blissful sleep, unaware of his wife entering the room and getting into bed beside him.

The next day, it was Autumn who woke up first out of everyone. Getting out of bed and heading downstairs, the young girl sat on the couch and grabbed the book someone had left on the dining table. Tale of a Widow. She read the book for a while, quickly finishing it, as her mother came downstairs. "Good morning, Mama!" the girl smiled, her mother smiling back at her.

"What are you doing awake, hunny? It's only 5.45," her mother replied, ruffling the top of her head after giving her a quick peck on the cheek. Autumn shrugged. It was weird for her to be up before anyone else, let alone be awake at quarter-to-six in the morning. Usually her father had to wake her up so that she wouldn't be late for school which starts at 7. "Well, since you're up, what would you like for breakfast?"

Autumn paused, thinking, before she grinned. "Pancakes!" Sandra laughed before grabbing everything she would need to make a pancake batter. As her mother was making her pancakes, the others began to slowly trickle into the dining room/kitchen area. After making the pancakes and having breakfast as one big family, Autumn ran upstairs and quickly got changed, grabbing her bag for school.

Once washed and dressed, she went back downstairs to see Natasha at the front door, waiting for her. "It's my turn to take you today, kiddo," she smiled, wrapping an arm around her shoulders as they headed towards her car. Making sure Autumn was strapped in, they made their way to Mary Ford Elementary School. "Have a good day!" Autumn waved back to her aunt, watching her speed off in the direction of the base as Millie, Leah, and Jamie came up to her. A normal day at school, but not for much longer.

It was in third period when everything went horribly wrong. The schools alarms started to ring, the teachers rushing to lock the doors and shut the blinds in the classrooms before getting the students to hide under their desks. Millie, Jamie, Leah, and Autumn held onto each other; eyes wide as they shook in fear. "What's happening?" Leah gulped, teeth chattering as random bangs could be heard down the corridor. No, not random bangs, Autumn's mind told her as she began to shake even more. Gun shots.

There was a gunman in the building and the only thing they had to protect themselves was a locked door and desks. If the gunman was to enter the room, what chance did a bunch of six or seven-year-olds have? They didn't know how to protect themselves from gunshots. They were fucking kids, just entering elementary school about four or five months ago. No one had a chance against someone who was armed with a gun.

"Are we going to die?" A girl Autumn had grown fond of whispered. Her name was Lucinda, and she was directly next to them, eyes wide in fear as their teacher shushed them, the fear clear in her voice and with how rigid her body was. I'm sorry, papa, Autumn cried silently, screwing her eyes shut as the door to her classroom was rammed into, but I don't think I'm gonna be coming home.

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