○ Chapter 20 ○

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23rd May 2025

Dear diary,
I had my first therapy session today. Papa said it's supposed to help with what happened, but I don't think it will. I don't think talking is going to help, but I should try. Papa and Mama seem to think it's going to work, so I'll try. For them. The kind lady at the session – I think her name's Claire – gave me a lolly. It as strawberry flavoured, my favourite! She also told me to keep a diary of my thoughts, feelings, and what happens in a day.

So today I went to school. I was nervous about being away from Papa, but I made a friend, his name's Harrison. We hung out at lunch and recess. Jamie and Leah were there, but I didn't talk to them. I couldn't. We have a new teacher now – Mrs Ellen. She's not like Mrs Stuart, she's not as funny or talkative. I miss her, and I miss Millie.

It was the last lesson when Mrs Ellen said Papa was at the front desk to pick me up. That's when we went to the therapy session, and I met Miss Claire. I like her, she's nice. She gave me a lollipop!

I think that's everything.

Bye, diary!


23rd June 2025

Dear diary,
One month.

I'm not really sure what to put. Not much really happened today, it was the usual things. Went to school, did school, went to therapy, then hung out with my family after school. Leah tried to talk to me, but I still can't face her. Is that a bad thing? Am I a bad person for ignoring her? I just can't face her, not when she hurt me so much. Not much to report on today.

I think that's everything.

Bye, diary!


23rd July 2025

Dear diary,
Two months.

It's been two months. Harrison and I are close still. Papa seems stressed about something, but I don't know what. Mama's been going into Grandpa Comet's office a lot recently, and they've been arguing. Mama and Papa have been arguing too, but I don't know why. Whenever they argue, Uncle Bob takes me to get ice cream. There's not much to say today...

Bye, diary!


23rd August 2025

Dear diary,
Three months.

Millie would be seven today, it's her birthday. She liked flowers – white lilies were her favourite. She always had one in her hair, no matter what. I made her a card. Harrison helped with it too, said he wanted to do something nice for her. We drew a lot of white lilies on the card, but I don't think they looked as good as the real thing. I hope she liked it. at the end of the day, Papa took me and Harrison to her grave where we gave her the card, and some white lilies. I wonder what she would look like now...

I think that's everything.

Bye, diary!


23rd September 2025

Dear diary,
Four months.

I'm in second grade now. I still haven't spoken to Jamie and Leah, but Mama and Papa don't seem to mind. I've gotten closer to Harrison, we're now the best of friends! He's stayed around mine a lot, and I've stayed around his too. Aunty Tasha likes to tease me, saying I have a crush on Harri. I don't! He's just a friend. I think.

Anyway! Today we made a sandcastle in the sand pit at the park after school. We had a lot of fun doing that. Then we chased each other with water bottles, and Papa took a lot of pictures.

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