Tell me your secret

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"What's up with you? Why did you want to meet me?", she asks.

"Just wanted to talk about my relationship and seek some advice. Things are making me crazy!", you tell your bestie at the coffee shop.

"What did he do? Tell me...", she asks impatiently

"Am not sure.", you say with a sigh.

" Did you do something?", she questions.

"Not really", you answer dolefully.

" Then... what's the matter?", she  asks in a frustrated.

" The thing is it involves something from the past. I am not comfortable sharing", you answer.

" It's okay. You can take your time. I'd just say that I won't judge", she says patting your back softly.

You take a deep breath. " Hmm... It's good to have you. And am sorry I didn't share everything about me with you", you say.

"Its alright. We all have our secrets. You too don't know everything about me", she says.

" The thing is that I was heading to a shop after returning from my BF's place, he showed me his interior designs. It's then that I noticed at the bus stop, him in his car with a girl. I tried going to his place but couldn't make it and ended up drinking with a stranger who left me home", you say in one go.

" Well, nothing seems wrong here. You can't be thinking that he's cheating just by seeing him in car with a girl? Come on, you should have talked to him.", she says.

" I know that I might be overthinking, but....", you say.

" That's serious trust issues!", she interrupts.

" Well, lemme speak. It's that I knew the girl. She's from my highschool", you say.

"", she asks.

" You said that you won't judge but you don't hear me well", you say being pissed off.

" Sorry for that. Tell me, I am all my ears", she apologizes.

" She made my life hell at high school. I had to transfer. There was a big havoc. If something like that happens again, I won't be able to start afresh. I dunno what might be her motive on returning", you tell your friend.

" Its as if you're talking about a serial killer. Was she a bully?", she asks.

" Yup, a bully but had also been to juvenile justice twice", you say in a serious tone.

" Oh! That might be serious", she says.

" Well, she can turn anyone's social life a  hell. I was too depressed after that, gradually overcame it", you tell.

"Oh, scary. I am getting chills.", she says quite insincerely.

" But don't you fear. You have me by your side. You should talk to your BF first and judge by his conduct. If things go south, you can always dump him. Its just a month old relationship", she advises.

" One month but it still matters. I was so happy having him, but now I think if it was all a lie from the beginning. Could she be involved and what if she tells the world about it? I have made some mistakes in the past too, some serious ones", you tell in one go.

" How serious could it be? You overcame it all, right? You'd be able to make it again, now that you're all grown up and sensible", she consoles.

" You sure are consoling but you must hear what happened then", you tell.

"Good to see that you are ready to open up!", she says.

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