࿇ Chapter Two: Lost Cause

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨:
𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞.

You felt your entire body freeze in shock as you remembered Pistachio Meringue's description of the Ivory Dragon.

The Ivory Dragon was known for being cruel, but a true personality for what the Ivory Dragon was never really found ever since the so called "Eternal Rest" the dragon fell into. It was no surprise that seeing the real deal themself made you want to pray with every fiber of your body this was just a bad dream.

But it wasn't, that would be to kind for even nature to offer you.

You examined the dragon, who had gold armor on their chest and parts of their head. The gold chest piece had an oval shaped gem that was colored hickory. The dragon also wore a silk like dress that had black underneath it all. And the hand that was choking you was a glove that was pure black, yet despite the glove, you could still feel both the sharp claws and cold deadly touch those hands could give to you at any moment.

Their face was the most noticeable however, with their grey sharp claw like markings, along with having a golden eye shadow that seemed to match what made you have fear in the first place.

Those eyes.

The golden eye shadow, helped to bring out the sharp golden eye pupils that glowed from their black empty eyes. Pistachio was correct, those eyes did mean the worst.

You felt like you were staring at a cruel god who wanted to rip your body apart.


"The... Ivory... Dra.. Dragon!" you stuttered out, still uncomfortable with the dragon's hand around your throat as they played with the option of ending your life.

"So you pathetic cookies know who I am?" The dragon said as they squeezed your neck once more, causing your hands to lift in surprise.

"Only the cruelest of all seem to make it in... ',cookie history'."

"There.. is.. mmph!..," you slightly whispered as your hands began to elevate towards where the dragon's hand was holding your neck captive.

"Ma... Many good cookies! Who have... gah!.. made it!"

"You can't even look me in the eye while saying that ridiculous statement."

You clenched your teeth in frustration at the position you were in as you forced your hands to finally reach your neck and grip as tightly as you could to the dragon's larger hand around your throat.

"Let... me..."

"Go!!" You yelled as loudly as you could before trying to use your hands to force the the dragon to let go of your neck.

You continued to kick around and tilt your head as much as you could to loosen the grip while the dragon watched you in amusement.

"A powerful dragon like me shouldn't listen to the demands of someone who's completely useless," the dragon said as they let you go, causing air to become your savior.

You continually breathed in and out as the dragon still kept their eyes on you.

"So weak...," the dragon said sarcastically as they continued to analyze you as though you were a freak.

"You're the one... who choked me!" You retorted back.

"So why didn't you use your magic to defend yourself?"

You paused as you felt a bit of sweat drip from your dough.

"Answer me, you pathetic weakling," The dragon demanded as they put their hand on top of your head.

Favoritism: Longan Dragon x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now