࿇𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞: 𝐀 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞.

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞:
𝐀 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞.

As you and Longan Dragon finally reached the dining room, you looked around to take in the elegant yet picturesque room. The welcoming sparkling light from the golden chandelier surrounded the dining room with its beautiful light. The hues of gold within the walls, along with the gold designs across the white marble floor didn't come off as a shock to you as you were quite familiar with the aesthetic the Longan Palace had went for, yet you couldn't help but still feel amazed at the decor that was in front of your eyes.

The silver oak wood table in front of you was covered in a soft white table cloth that appeared to also have those similar eyeball patterns of gold leaves and simple loops on the cloth. There were 5 chairs, including one that stood out. One chair was at the top of the table, while the other four were evenly divided, two chairs per left and right side. You wondered to yourself if they could possibly belong to the other dragons mentioned from your past long ago, as Lychee Dragon had sat on the second bottom chair on the left side. You noticed then, one more chair that sat right across from the top chair, the chair at the bottom of the table.

"I'm guessing that the chair at the bottom across from the top side of the table must be my seat," you said in your mind, feeling slightly awkward at how sly this dragon was at pretty much showing how much you were worth to them.

"You may be across from me at the bottom chair," the dragon said as you noticed their slightly crueler tone return.

"Hmph, gladly," you muttered as you crossed your arms and looked down.

"May you repeat what you said? I couldn't quite catch what you said."

"Nothing! Just excited for the tea!" you nervously laughed out as you slowly made your way to the bottom chair at the table, slowly pulling the chair out as it made a loud noise echo through the dining room, before quickly sitting down and slightly putting the chair closer to the table, making even more loud noise.

As you saw Longan sit down and drink their tea, you took it as a signal to start drinking your tea as well. You looked down at your tea cup as you cupped the ceramic cup with two hands, your right hand slightly holding the handle. As you drank a little bit of the tea, you realized. It was chamomile tea. It must've already become night time.

You couldn't help but slightly chuckle in your head, thinking that the dragon may possibly serve tea depending on the time of day, after all, chamomile tea was used to help you get a better sleep at night back in the old days, and even now you notice how other cookies still continue to follow that path. Well, unless they wish to sleep at different intervals during the day, it's still the same story though.

"Eh?! Why are you drinking your tea like that? There's something called manners ya know!" the Lychee dragon nitpicked as they stared at you as though you did something incredibly impolite.

"You're not even drinking tea!" you said as you slightly slammed your tea cup down. "What are you the "National Tea Holding Guardian of Teaopolis?"

"I'm surprised you've warmed up so well to think you can have an attitude," the Longan Dragon said as they put their tea cup down, you looked down to see how they slightly gripped the handle tighter as they spoke their opinion.

You gulped nervously as you slightly sunk down in your seat in slight worry.

"Ha ha! That's what you get for-"

"Lychee, you are in that same category of being an annoyance from time to time as well."

Lychee quickly twisted their head at Longan as they made a slightly dramatic gasp at their words as Lychee put their hand to their chest as though their heart had stopped beating.

Favoritism: Longan Dragon x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now