࿇𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟎: 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧࿇

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᭥ ̗̀"A/N: We're getting there! A couple more chapters and this book will end!~"
A bit shorter! Enjoy!
also cw: a little... "suspicious" (?)
Im so sorry for what you're all about to read💔

"So we have nothing further to discuss. There is no point in continuing to speak with one another if we are not able to-"

"Ssssuch annoyance that Longan Dragon Cookie givesss me! Why mussst I always be chosssen for this?!"

"Calm yourself, Pitaya. You should have more pride knowing you are fighting all the battles! What seems to be troubling you?"

"Longan Dragon Cookie ssseems to have a new interesst in a rather... ssspecial cookie! They were quite protective of the treasssure they found! It wasss annoying because it had interfered with our fight!"

"A... new interest in a 'special cookie?' I find it hard to believe that they would even consider anyone or even anything special."

"But why would Longan be ssso possssesssive over a pathetic cookie like that?!"

"Silence yourself, snake. You are only taken into our temporary alliance with one another because of your past mockery of loyalty towards Longan. You should be thankful we even spared your embarrassing life."

"It is still rather odd. I find it odd Longan is hiding this fact from us, I believe they know the cookie has some type potential, or peaked some interest. Either way, we shall investigate the matter more thoroughly!"

"Patience is key. Do not get your hopes up, Ananas. We must be careful, we do not know what... new influence this possessiveness may have..."

"They may do whatever it takes to protect their treasure's existence."

Longan Dragon Cookie walked through the empty golden halls that would be filled with you and Lychee's playful fighting, it made Longan feel empty knowing how truly lonely they were. Longan never complained nor questioned it, after all, their existence has one main goal:

To destroy all cookie kind.

At least, it seems to be the original plan, but perhaps it should be altered because of your presence in their life. Longan recalled their first interaction with you, and while it wasn't in the most pleasant of environments...

Your body had felt like a feather when Longan had carried you unto their arms as they analyzed your facial features.

From your beautifully and delicately colored eyes being shut, to your magnificent textured and colored dough... You were a hidden treasure among all of these pathetic cookies Longan had interacted with over the years of being in this grotesque wasteland.

Longan was confused yet intrigued with your presence and personality because it was that rare occurrence where... there truly was no category where you could be placed, to put it simply, you were everywhere but terrifying. You were mostly timid, yet fearful, yet nervous.

"How confusing and irritating that cookie is... yet...-"

"I didn't know you could vocalize your thoughts so loudly!~" Lychee interrupted, giggling as they saw Longan's face darken at Lychee's tease.

"As much as I appreciate your company and assistance with my plans... you are quite irritating sometimes."

"Hehehe... how hurtful!~ I suppose you will give me a task to fulfill once more?"

Longan was about to deny playfully at Lychee's sudden bluntness, only to start thinking about particular tasks Lychee could do.

"Hey hey don't consider it I was just playing around!" Lychee yelled as Longan chuckled at Lychee's reaction.

Favoritism: Longan Dragon x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now